Why use Assertions in Postman?

Postman gives us a whole environment for checking and testing the APIs we develop. And assertions are a 2 way of checking on it. Like if we want to check about the behaviour API then this is the best way to test it.

The section in Postman where we are going to work:

Test Section and its Result in Response Section

Like in the above API, we are testing whether this endpoint comes with a 200-status code or not. This might be the best way to figure out any error if we are working with many endpoints.

Assertions in Postman and How to Use that in Scripting Window

Assertions are checks or validations we can include in our API requests to ensure that the response from the server meets certain criteria. These criteria could be based on the response’s status code, headers, body content, or any other aspect of the response. Postman provides a variety of built-in assertion options that we can use to validate the responses you receive during API testing. These assertions help us to confirm that our APIs are behaving as expected.

Assertions are mainly the tests that we want to execute after writing of code. In this case, when our APIs are ready, we just want to make sure that they are perfectly working or not. For this Postman provides us a Test section where we can write a test for the request. Postman test uses Chai Assertion Library BDD syntax.

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So, Assertions can be used for many reasons, and by using them we can assure ourselves regarding the different parameters of API. As discussed there are so many test cases and to ensure all is not always important but yes at different APIs we might need some important tests like checking status codes and checking responses. Also, we could write some common test cases into the collections which will be applied to all of the tests in those collections....