Winning Prizes




Apple HomePod mini


Logitech G903 LIGHTSPEED Gaming Mouse


LeetCode Backpack


LeetCode water bottle


LeetCode Big O Notebook

Link of the contest:

LeetCode: Weekly Contest #333

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About the Contest:

This contest was organized by Leetcode on 19th Feb 2023, it consisted of 4 questions, and the time given to solve them was 1 hour 30 minutes....

Winning Prizes:


Overview of the questions asked:

Problem Name Difficulty Level Reward points for that question Topics Related Approx time taken to solve by me Number of submissions made Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values Easy 3 Array, Hashtable, Two-pointers 7 minutes 1 Minimum Operations to Reduce an Integer to 0 Medium 4 Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Bit manipulation 13 minutes 1 Count the Number of Square-Free Subsets Medium 5 Array, Math, Dynamic Programming 21 minutes 3(2 WA) Find the String with LCP Hard 6 Array, String, DP,greedy 28-35 minutes 2 (1 TLE)...

Question Discussion:

Problem 1: Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values...


As far as my opinion is concerned, the contest was inclined towards the hard side of the spectrum. As the third question took a lot of brainstorming before figuring out the solution and of course fourth question as usual was hard. It took me around 1 hour and 16 minutes to complete the contest....