Working Process of Merge Join

Below are the mentioned steps of the working of Merge Join.

Step 1 – Precondition: The tables to be joined are taken care of at the be part of key columns. If the tables are not already sorted, they are taken care of earlier than the merge operation starts to evolve.

Step 2 – Initialization: Two hints (or cursors) are initialized at the start of every desk.

Step 3 – Traversal: The algorithm iteratively compares the part of key values of the rows pointed to by using the cursors in both tables.

  1. If the join key values suit, the rows from each table are combined to form a new row in the result set, and each hint is moved to the next row in their respective tables.
  2. If the part of the key cost within the first desk is smaller, the pointer inside the first desk moves to the next row.
  3. If the part of the key fee inside the 2d desk is smaller, the pointer in the second desk moves to the following row.

Step 4 – Termination: This process is maintained until one or both of the tables are entirely traversed.


Let’s dive right into a greater example to demonstrate how merge joins work in a practical situation. Suppose we have tables, Orders, and Customers, and we need to join them based totally on a not-unusual column, CustomerID, to list orders at the side of customer facts. For simplicity, assume each tables are already taken care of on CustomerID.

Tables Before Join

Customers Table









Orders Table













Merge Join in DBMS

Merge be part of is a hard and fast-based be part of operation used in database control systems (DBMS) to mix rows from or extra tables based on an associated column among them. It is mainly efficient whilst the tables involved are large and while they are each sorted on the be a part of the key, which is the column or set of columns used for the join. Here’s an outline of the way merge is a part of works, its benefits, and when it is best used.

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Advantages of Merge Join

Efficiency: It is very green for becoming a member of huge tables, especially when they may be pre-taken care of on the be part of key, as it requires best a single bypass via each desk. Predictability: It has predictable performance traits, which may be fine in conditions wherein question execution time needs to be regular. No Need for Hash Table: Unlike hash joins, merge joins do not require a hash table to be created in reminiscence, which may be beneficial while joining very big tables that won’t match into available memory....

Uses of Merge Join

Sorted Data: Merge join is great used while the tables are already sorted at the join key or can be easily looked after. Large Datasets: It is in particular applicable for large datasets where different kinds of joins (like nested loop joins or hash joins) is probably less efficient or viable. Equi-joins: It is generally used for equi-joins, in which the be part of situation is primarily based on equality....

Limitations of Merge Join

Sorting Requirement: If the tables are not taken care of at the be part of key, the sorting step can upload overhead, probably making other be part of strategies extra green for positive queries or information units. Memory Consumption: For very massive tables, although it does now not require as a whole lot memory as hash joins for hash tables, sorting can nonetheless be memory-in depth if outside sorting is wanted....

Practical Considerations

In actual-international database structures, if the tables aren’t already sorted at the be a part of key, the DBMS would possibly perform a sort operation earlier than executing the merge join. The performance of merge be a part of, in this situation, relies upon at the price of sorting and the dimensions of the tables. For very large tables, the database may use outside sorting algorithms which can deal with statistics larger than the available memory....

Frequently Asked Questions on Merge Join – FAQs

How does merge be part of work?...