Working with AQUATONE Tool

Example 1: Discovery

aquatone-discover --domain

1. The aquatone does is to identify the information about the target domain (

2. 8277 Unique Hosts are Resolved along with the IP addresses and the subdomains.

Example 2: Scanning

aquatone-scan -d

1. Using the hosts.json file, which contains the 90 hosts is used for scanning to get the port details.

2. All the Probed Ports are stored in open_ports.txt with IP address and port number opened.

3. All the URLs are stored in urls.txt file.

Example 3: Gathering

aquatone-gather -d

In this example, we are gathering the information on (like subdomains, status codes, Ip addresses, etc).

Example 4: CLI Tricks 

Getting more Subdomains of (filtering the results)

cat * | egrep -o '[a-z0-9\-\_\.]+\w3wiki\.org' | sort -u

Example 5: Finding HTML Comments

Using Filtering skills to get HTML comments from HTML directory data.

cat * | egrep -o '<!--.*-->'

Example 6: Finding pages with password fields

Finding Password fields using Filtering the results (grep).

grep 'type="password"' *

Example 7 : Specifying ports to scan

1. By default, the Aquatone tool will scan target hosts with a small list of commonly used HTTP ports: 80, 443, 8000, 8080, and 8443. We can change this variety of ports list using the -ports flag. You can check the help section for more details

cat hosts.txt | aquatone -ports 80,443,3000,3001

2. Aquatone also supports nicknames of built-in port records to make it more comfortable for you:

  • small: 80, 443
  • medium: 80, 443, 8000, 8080, 8443 (same as default)
  • large: 80, 81, 443, 591, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 3000, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8080, 8083, 8443, 8834, 8888
  • xlarge: 80, 81, 300, 443, 591, 593, 832, 981, 1010, 1311, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 2480, 3000, 3128, 3333, 4243, 4567, 4711, 4712, 4993, 5000, 5104, 5108, 5800, 6543, 7000, 7396, 7474, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8014, 8042, 8069, 8080, 8081, 8088, 8090, 8091, 8118, 8123, 8172, 8222, 8243, 8280, 8281, 8333, 8443, 8500, 8834, 8880, 8888, 8983, 9000, 9043, 9060, 9080, 9090, 9091, 9200, 9443, 9800, 9981, 12443, 16080, 18091, 18092, 20720, 28017
cat hosts.txt | aquatone -ports large

In the below screenshot, we have used large ports lists for getting the ports enabled on hosts.

Example 8: Subdomain Takeover

aquatone-takeover --domain

aquatone has the feature to check the domain if it is vulnerable to Subdomain Takeover or not.

Example 9: Amass DNS enumeration

amass enum -active -brute -o hosts.txt -d

Aquatone has the feature to integrate with the Amass tool for DNS Enumeration.

Example 10: Screen Shots

1. Aquatone is popular for its Screenshot taking feature, in the below screenshot aquatone has taken the screenshot of

Example 11: More Information about

You can see we have got more information about like Server information, Response Header info, etc.

AQUATONE is a very useful tool for discovering information of multiple targets at the same time. The Screenshot-taking feature makes it more attractive and special as attackers need to check each subdomain manually, so to avoid this attackers can now run the aquatone on various subdomains at a time and check the subdomain’s status (active/inactive).

Aquatone – Tool for domain flyovers

AQUATONE is a set of tools used for performing reconnaissance, scanning, and discovery o domain names. AQUATONE can discover subdomains on a given target domain using OSINT source and the most common domain brute force method. After discovering the subdomain, the AQUATONE tool can scan the domain for standard web ports and HTTP headers information. HTML bodies and snapshots can be collected and considered as the report to analyze the attack environment quickly.

To increase the efficiency and simpleness of aquatone tool, it is divided into 3 phases

  1. Discovery
  2. Scanning
  3. Gathering


The first stage of an AQUATONE assessment is the discovery stage, where subdomains are discovered on the victim domain using open sources, services, and the more common dictionary brute force approach. aquatone-discover ships with the following collector modules:

  1. Dictionary brute force
  3. Google Transparency Report
  4. HackerTarget
  5. Netcraft
  6. Shodan (requires API key)
  7. ThreatCrowd
  8. VirusTotal (requires API key)


The scanning stage is where AQUATONE will enumerate the recognized hosts for open TCP ports that are usually used for web services.


The last stage is the gathering phase, in which the results of discovery and scanning stages are used to make the discovered web services return and save HTTP response headers packets and HTML bodies, as well as taking the snapshots of how the web page or domain looks like in web browser which makes the analysis much more accessible.

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