Working with CyberCrowl Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example 1: Finding Directories on the Target Domain.

python3 -u

In this example, we are finding directories on our target domain.

We have got directors with their status codes and the status message.

Example 2: Using Custom Wordlists

python3 -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/small.txt

In this example, we will be using a custom wordlist for brute-forcing

We have specified the absolute path of the word-list file in the -w tag.

Tool has started its work for finding the directories.

CyberCrowl – Python based Web Path Scanner Tool

Directories on the target domain can contain some sensitive information about the Web-Application which should not be revealed. We can discover this hidden directory by automating our task. CyberCrowl tool is a crawler that crawls the hidden directories from the targeted domain server and lists out the Status code of each directory with the response message. CyberCrowl tool is developed in the Python-Language available on GitHub. CyberCrowl tool is open-source and free to use. We can specify our custom word list for performing brute-forcing of the directories.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

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