Working with SQLbit  Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example/Usage: Basic Usage


We need to add the URL of the target in the config file as this tool does not accept command line arguments.

After entering the URL we need to run the file.

You can see that we have got the names of tables that are been present in the URL’s database.

There are multiple tables present in the target domain’s database.

SQLbit – Automatize Boolean-Based Blind SQL Injections

SQL Injection or SQLi is the web application security flaw where the hacker or intruder can mislead with the SQL queries that a web application makes to its storage database. This can lead to viewing data, inserting data, manipulating data without having authorized access. The data which is manipulated has totally belonged to other users, or any other data that the web application itself is able to access. Nowadays, all online shopping applications, bank transactions use back-end database servers. So in case, the attacker can exploit SQL injection, the entire server is compromised.

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Working with SQLbit  Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example/Usage: Basic Usage...