Workings of a DC Generator

Consider a single loop DC generator (as seen in the diagram), in which a single turn loop ‘ABCD’ rotates clockwise in a uniform magnetic field at constant speed. As the loop rotates, the magnetic flux between the coil sides ‘AB’ and ‘CD’ changes continually. This change in flux linkage causes an EMF to be induced in both coil sides, and the induced EMF on one coil side is added to the induced EMF on the other.

Workings of a DC Generator

The EMF produced by a DC generator may be explained as follows:

  • When the loop is at position 1, no EMF is produced since the coil sides move in parallel with the magnetic flux.
  • When the loop is in position 2, the loop sides move in the direction of the attracting motion, generating a tiny EMF.
  • When the loop is at place 3, the coil sides move at the right point to the attractive transition, resulting in the highest EMF.
  • When the loop is in position 4, the coil sides cut the attractive transition at a point, resulting in a lower EMF in the coil sides.
  • When the loop is at place 5, there is no motion coupling with the coil side, and the movement is aligned with the attractive transition. Consequently, no EMF is produced in the coil.
  • At position 6, the coil sides move beneath an inverse extremity post, switching the extremity of the generated EMF. The most intense EMF will be produced toward this route at position-7, and zero at position-1. This cycle repeats for each coil turn.

It is evident that the produced EMF is a spinning one. It is because any coil side (for example, AB) has EMF in one direction when impacted by an N-pole and in the opposite direction when affected by an S-pole. As a result, when a load is attached to the generator’s terminals, alternating current flows through it. Currently, using a commutator, the alternating emf created in the loop may be converted into direct voltage.

Construction And Working of a DC Generator

In 1831, Michael Faraday, a British physicist, devised the electromagnetic generator. The primary function of this device is to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. There are several types of mechanical energy sources available, including hand cranks, internal combustion engines, water turbines, and gas and steam turbines. The generator provides capacity for all electrical power networks. An electric motor should be able to perform the generator’s converse function. The basic purpose of the motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Generators and motors have many properties.

Table of Content

  • DC Generator
  • Construction of a DC generator
  • Workings
  • Types
  • Losses in DC Machines
  • Characteristics of DC Generator
  • Characteristics of DC Series Generator
  • Characteristics of DC Shunt Generators
  • External Load Characteristics of the DC Compound Generator
  • Efficiency of a DC Generator

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