Best High Fiber Foods For Healthy Diet

High-fiber foods you should eat every day for better health include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Before discussing the list of 21 high-fiber foods we need to understand first “Fiber”, and why is it so necessary for our daily routine diet. what are the benefits of high-fiber diets, from which resources can we get such diets etc. Today we’ll answer all such queries in this article. That will not only help you to know all about fiber but it will also help you to plan your diet. Let us discuss it in detail:

Table of Content

  • What is Fiber?
  • Best High-Fiber Food For a Healthy Lifestyle
  • List of 21 Best High-Fiber Foods
  • 1. Avocado
  • 2. Raspberries
  • 3. Chia Seeds
  • 4. Dried Fig
  • 5. Banana
  • 6. Pears
  • 7. Apple
  • 8. Chickpeas 
  • 9. Pea
  • 10. Sweet Potato
  • 11. Almonds
  • 12. Lentils
  • 13. Quinoa
  • 14. Broccoli
  • 15. Carrots
  • 16. Artichoke
  • 17. Peanuts
  • 18. Soya Chunks
  • 19. Navy Beans
  • 20. Asparagus
  • 21. Barley
  • How Much Fiber Per Day?
  • FAQs on High Fiber Foods

What is Fiber?

Fiber is a simple type of carbohydrate that cannot be completely digested by the human body. This type of carbohydrate is mainly present in plant-based foods. Plant-based foods contain large amounts of fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts, and seeds, Most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules known as glucose molecules but fiber cannot fall down into sugar molecules, and goes through the body undigested.

Best High-Fiber Food For a Healthy Lifestyle

Here are the Top 21 best High fiber food that is used in our daily life which is easy to eat daily life and maintain your body’s daily requirement of fiber 21 high fiber food avocado, raspberry, chia seeds, apple, bananas, carrots, almonds, chickpeas, pears, peas, dried figs, peanuts, barley, lentils, quinoa, broccoli, sweet potatoes, soy chunks, navy beans, asparagus, artichokes.

List of 21 Best High-Fiber Foods

Many dietitians suggest adding high-fiber foods to your diet as this is a good way to aid the digestive system and help regulate function in general. Here are 22 high-fiber foods that are both healthy and satisfying.

1. Avocado


Avocados are one of the best sources of fiber because they contain more fat (in a good way) than carbohydrates. Low carbohydrate diets are popular for diabetics. It is mostly used as a popular integration of vegetarian diets. It has a mild and neutral flavor that is used to add richness to salad dressings, sandwiches, baked goods, salads and grain dishes. One whole medium avocado consists of approximately 240 calories, and 10 grams of fiber, With their low sodium levels, avocados consist of zero cholesterol.

2. Raspberries


Raspberries have a strong flavor and are an excellent source of fiber and nutrition. Raspberries and other members of the raspberry family are excellent sources of fiber that you can add to your diet because they contain large amounts of vitamin C and manganese. Raspberries have less sugar than other fruits. Raspberries also carry small amounts of various minerals such as vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium and zinc. Per cup, they contain roughly 8 gram of fiber.

3. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are mostly one of the seeds that contain a great source of fiber. It is used to improve human heart health, maintain cholesterol levels and boost intestinal health. They are highly nutritious when compared to flaxseed, and are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. Chia seeds may be the excellent  source of fiber in the world. One ounce of dry chia seeds has 9.75 grams of fiber.

4. Dried Fig

Dried Fig

Dried figs are a delicious source of fiber. One dried fig contains approximately one gram of fiber and about 20 calories. Compared to dried figs, fresh figs are rich in nutrients but while being relatively low in calories, making them a great addition to a healthy diet. Per 1/4 cup of dried figs, there are 3.65 grams of fiber. Dried figs are used as a morning snack after being soaked overnight with some nuts and consumed in the morning they give you energy and good health,

5. Banana


Banana is the best fiber rich food to eat which is high in fiber content. A banana contains 3 grams or more of 3 grams of fiber and is rich in potassium, an important vitamin. Bananas help in controlling blood pressure, and more health benefits than their high fiber prowess. Banana is a good source of several nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium.

6. Pears


Pear is a great source of fiber in fruit and other nutrients. One medium pear consists of about 5.5 grams of fiber. Pears are excellent and essential antioxidants fruit. Pears have all of these elements in fruit with about 100 calories and no fat or cholesterol. One large pear contains about 7.13 grams of fiber which is sufficient for one meal.

7. Apple


Apple is one of the delicious and healthiest fruits which also consist of high amounts of fiber. A medium-sized apple (apple weighing 150 grams) contains about 4 grams of fiber and other nutrients. They offer soluble and insoluble fiber known as pectin. An apple before lunch helps to avoid junk food cravings. Apples are one of the 50 Healthiest Foods for Women!

8. Chickpeas


Chickpeas is referred to as garbanzo beans. Chickpea is a great fiber and protein source for vegan and vegetarian diets. A half-cup of chickpeas has more than 6 grams of fiber and around 200 calories. So, adding some to your salad will help you meet your body’s daily requirements with minimal effort. Always remember not to eat large portions as they are high in calories, always eat small portions especially when they are not the main event of your meal. A full cup of cooked chickpeas has about 12.5 grams.

9. Pea


Peas have a strong flavor and a great source of fiber in the vegetable. Peas have about nine grams of fiber per cup. They are wonderful sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese and iron. peas are highly nutritious vegetables that are easy to use in your daily diets.. You can add them to your soup, sandwiches, and vegetables and include them in several recipes.

10. Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of high fiber. One normal sweet potato (150 grams) consist of 26 grams of total carbs, after subtracting the 4 grams that come from fiber. They are a mixture of soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers control lower cholesterol and balance glucose. Insoluble fiber helps keep your bowels healthy and regular. One cup of cooked sweet potatoes has roughly 4 grams of fiber, which is 26% of the daily required amount.

11. Almonds


Almonds are a rich source of nuts, they are low in carbs and high in protein and fiber.
Protein and fiber are both touted as increasing feelings of fullness. While a 1-ounce (30-gram) portion of almonds has a higher fiber content comparison to an equal serving of walnuts, They include a lot of nutrients, such as good fats, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. Almonds can also be processed into almond flour, which has more nutrients, for use in baking.

12. Lentils


Lentils are a good source of fiber and other more essentials nutrients. Lentils are low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in potassium, fiber, folate, and plant chemicals that is referred to as polyphenols that consist of antioxidant activity.  One cup of cooked lentils has about 13.1 grams of fiber.

13. Quinoa


Quinoa is a part of whole grains used in diets for weight loss because it is a rich source of protein and fiber. One cup of cooked quinoa has about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber.. Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal that has become incredibly popular among health-conscious people in the last few years. It’s highly loaded with many essential nutrients such as magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium.

14. Broccoli


Broccoli is one of the vegetables with the highest nutritional content and the best source of fiber. It has the highest fiber content of most vegetables at over 5 grams per cup. There are 2.6 grams of fiber in 100 grams of broccoli. It is a type of cruciferous vegetable and one of the most nutrient content foods in the world. It has high amounts of other nutrition like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, B vitamins, potassium, iron and manganese and also consist of antioxidants and powerful cancer-fighting nutrients.

15. Carrots


Carrots are one of the best fiber-rich vegetables that are delicious and highly nutritious. There are 2.8 gram of fiber in 100 gram of raw carrots. Carrots contain other high nutrients that are essential for our health such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Beta Carotene and Magnesium. Beta carotene is an important antioxidant that converts to vitamin A when consumed. They can use carrots in different ways in your diet like eating raw, boiling, making sandwiches.

16. Artichoke


Artichokes are an excellent source of fiber. One medium artichoke consists of at least 10 grams of fiber, which is about half of the 25 grams of fiber recommended for women to consume in a day. Artichokes contain inulin fiber which acts as a prebiotic. This vegetable is one of the best fiber rich vegetables in the whole world and is also high in many other nutrients.It can be roasted and used to making to several dishes.

17. Peanuts


Peanuts are an excellent source of fiber. One cup of peanuts and 100 grams of peanuts contain 9 grams of fiber or 597 calories which is enough to have once a day. Peanuts help reduce inflammation throughout the body as well as aiding your digestive system.

18. Soya Chunks

Soya Chunks

Soya chunks are high in fiber and abundant in protein,omega3 fatty acids and low in saturated fat. One hundred grams of Soya Chunks contains 345 calories with 52 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of total fat, 33 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of dietary fiber. They are also rich in other nutrients like calcium and iron which are not providing any extra sugar or sodium to the body.

19. Navy Beans

Navy beans are pea-sized white legumes characterized by a creamy texture and mild but dense flavor. Also known as Yankee beans. One cup of boiled navy beans and 100 grams of navy beans consist of 128 calories, 7.5 grams of protein, lower quantity of fat less than 1 gram and slightly under 24 grams of complex carbs , of which 9.6 grams are fiber, that amount of daily value for fiber. 

20. Asparagus


Asparagus is a great source of fiber. Asparagus also contains small amounts of essential nutrients and minerals such as iron, zinc and riboflavin. Vitamin K is an excellent source that is present in asparagus. Half cup of asparagus consist of 1.8 grams of fiber, which is 7% of your daily requirements

21. Barley


Barley has about three times more fiber than oats. Barley is particularly high in a type of soluble fiber referred to as beta glucan. Barley is also a great or excellent source of several vitamins and minerals. One cup of barley consists of approximately 6 grams of fiber.

How Much Fiber Per Day?

The American Heart Association reports that it is important for the human body to consume a variety of fiber food sources because fiber helps regulate the use of sugar in the body, helping to keep appetite and blood sugar under control. An adult human body should consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day, without supplementation. Recent research from the United States reports that adults consume an average of 15 grams of dietary fiber each day. Women should try to consume at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber each day, while men should goals to consume 30 to 38 grams of fiber a day.

Wrapping Up

Fiber is essential for our health, consuming adequate amount of fiber can keep you away from many diseases and it is used to maintain your health and reduce your weight. So fibers play an important role in our daily life which are present in vegetables, fruits etc. For good health you should consume at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber which is the daily requirement of your body.

FAQs on High Fiber Foods

1. What Food is highest in fiber?

Avocados are one of the best sources of fiber because they contain more fat (in a good way) than carbohydrates. One whole medium avocado consists of approximately 10 grams of fiber. Avocados consist of zero cholesterol. According to the USDA’s Nutrient Database it is considered after avocado. Almond nuts not only have the most fiber, but also the most calcium and antioxidant vitamin E.

2. Are Eggs high in fiber?

Egg is not a good source of fiber, it is an excellent source of protein. Eggs are a great source of protein. They’re a great source of heart-healthy unsaturated fats, along with essential nutrients such as vitamins B6, B12, and D.A large egg consists of 6 grams of protein and 78 calories which is rich source of protein.Eggs are mostly used in every diet to lose weight and improve your health for disease.

3. Which legume has the most fiber?

Lentils are a high protein, high fiber member of the legume family. Legumes are also a great source of dietary fiber, which is necessary for maintaining healthy bowel function.

4. Which fruit has most fiber?

Raspberries fruit are the great source of fiber. they contain roughly 8 gram of fiber.

5. Which Vegetable is highest in fiber?

Artichokes are an excellent source of fiber in vegetable. One medium artichoke consists of at least 10 grams of fiber.