MatchMove Pay Interview Experience for Software Engineer role at Bangalore

After reaching MatchMove Pay office in Bangalore and waiting for 1 and 1/2 hour, Interview had three rounds.

First round on SQL queries where they gave me SQL queries ..

Second round about python frameworks where the project manager is not interested to speak with me in between time he got a lot of calls

Final round was coding interview where they gave three questions to solve, i got the outputs for all the problems

HR told me to leave for the day and she will tell me the result by the end of the day and at evening i called her, She told that the technical team is busy and she will tell me the next EOD. Next Day, I again asked her, She told next day EOD …..Finally Friday came, HR told that she will surely tell me the results by Monday EOD

On Monday morning i reminded her through SMS(As she already gave her number to ask her for interview status), She told again that day EOD through SMS, but she didn’t do.

Next Day Tuesday, She messaged me that Project manager saw my code, and he told positive reviews about me and She will tell the final result by EOD or next day EOD and told me to be patient and cooperate with her.

Next day on Wednesday, I didn’t ask anything as she requested me to cooperate with her.

Next Day on Thursday, I followed up with her to through SMS about the status and no reply from her.

Next day Friday, I messaged HR again in phone no reply and tried calling her in phone, but she didn’t pick my call(Please note: This is the first time i called her) and on the same day evening, i mailed her and with in ten minutes she replied that she will surely tell me the results by the end of the day. Finally 6:00 PM EOD, but no reply.

Two weeks gone in the same way….

Third week, Monday i messaged her no reply….Tuesday i messaged her no reply and Wednesday i messaged her no reply……This week also gone

I some what searched in linked in, other HR manager(Which i interacted with her on the day of my interview..she told her name), I searched her by name on LinkedIn and i connected with her and messaged her on LinkedIn about my situation and asked my interview status, Finally She replied “My Interview status is Pending”

Guys, I would like to ask the HR people of Matchmove , What you guys are thinking of a candidate ???

If you don’t want a candidate, just tell the status directly why you guys are playing with the emotion of a candidate who have lot of hope, commitments and very poor family background.

Guys remember one thing, You guys will one day face the same situation which candidates like me are facing now. Even you guys will lose your job one day and roam like us searching for a job.

This Earth is Round, Today, If i face this situation then Surely, tomorrow you gonna face the same situation. As No IT jobs is safe in India