Microsoft Azure – Common Virtual Machine Issues

In this article, you will learn how to troubleshoot issues with your virtual machine using the tools available in the portal. Imagine now you have a virtual machine that you cannot RDP into. What can you do? You can either search for information online or you can submit a support request with Microsoft Support and get help from there. But now, the fastest and easiest way to do this is actually to use Azure’s new diagnose and solve problems page that you can access right from your resource page on the portal and you can start from there and troubleshoot your virtual machine issues within clicks. 


Now as you enter the diagnose and solve experience, you can see a bunch of common problems tiles, so those are common problems that you identify together with Azure compute product teams, Microsoft support teams, and dev teams. So, that includes a bunch of different kinds of virtual machine issues, such as deployment, connectivity, and also performance management, all kinds of different problems. 

So, basically, another important thing is that the content that is displayed there are some of the most common issues based on data from customers, engineering, content, etc. When you click on can’t connect to VM because you cannot via RDP and select cannot RDP  it automatically gives you the troubleshooter and it takes less than a minute to run on your virtual machine. And it tells you more information about possible reasons that you might not be able to connect your VM, for instance, or you might have your firewall selected correctly. You might not have your network security rules set correctly.

It shows you more information here and it also gives you recommended steps down below that you can follow step by step to troubleshoot your VM issues within clicks.

 You can follow those recommendations step by step, and if you don’t want to wait for that automatic troubleshooter to run, an alternative is to use Azure’s manual troubleshooting steps. They have a list of documentation that they update regularly that shows you more information on how you can troubleshoot your RDP issues.

Now, if you want to solve the problems they can be solved in Azure’s diagnose and solve problems section. So, go back to the home page. And you can go from, the troubleshooting tools. On there, you will have a list of tools that Azure also updates regularly based on their dev engineering work. 

You can always follow those steps to troubleshoot your connectivity. You have two paths that you can go. One is that you can use the diagnostic tool that is going to tell you what is going on and gives a set of steps. But if you don’t want to wait, you want to do that on your own, you offer Azure all the links to the relevant stuff that you can go and learn yourself.