Microsoft Azure – Create a Custom Policy Initiative in Azure

Here in this article, we’ll see how we can create an Azure Custom Policy Initiative using Azure Portal.  Before getting started let’s know about Custom Initiative. 

What is Azure Policy Initiative Definition?

An initiative definition is a collection of policy definitions that are grouped towards achieving a singular overarching goal. Initiative definitions simplify managing and assigning policy definitions by grouping them as a single assignable object.


Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal.

Step 2: Access the Policy from Azure Global Search 

Step 3: Then, from the left menu, Navigate to Authoring >> Select Definitions 

or directly search for Definitions in Search, then from the Definitions section Click on + Initiative Definition to create one.

Step 4: Initiative Location: Select the scope in which you want to save the policy.

  • Select your Management Group and Subscription

  1. Name: Give your New Initiative Name
  2. Description: Add some description about the policy definition
  3. Category: for the category, you can create one if you want new or else choose from existing if already created or if you have one.
  4. Version: Add your Version Number

Step 5: Next go to the policy tab, Click Add Policies >> here you can select one or more policy definition(s) to the initiative. Select your required policy definitions from the list and add them to the initiative definition.

Before moving to step 6, here are a few important points that need to be considered before provisioning the custom initiative.

  • There should be at least 1 policy definition that needed to be added to a custom initiative to create
  • Policy definitions without parameters that have already been added to the initiative are disabled and can’t be added a second time.
  • Only policy definitions with parameters can be added to the initiative more than once.
  • Reference ID can be used as a friendly display name but must be unique within the initiative.

Step 6:  Skip Initiative Parameters and Policy Parameters for time being and move to review and create >> Create. Once the creation is done, open the custom initiative which is created and check the added policy definitions. If you want to add or remove some policy definition you can directly add or remove by clicking on Edit initiative.