Microsoft Azure – Get Azure Policies Definitions and Policy Initiatives Definitions

In this article, we will be using some Azure PowerShell Commands either in Azure Cloud Shell or in Azure PowerShell ISE in Admin mode to get the details and properties about the Azure Policies. Let’s get started.

1. Use the Get-AzPolicyStateSummary PowerShell command to get the details of the azure policy compliance status of Non-Compliant Resources and Non-Compliant Policies.



2. Use the Get-AzPolicySetDefinition PowerShell command to get Azure Policy Initiative Definitions


The command returns the properties of all the Azure Policy Initiative Definitions.


3. Use (Get-AzPolicySetDefinition).count PowerShell command to get the count of Azure Policy Initiative Definitions.


The command returns the count of the total number of Azure Policy Initiative Definitions.


4. Use Get-AzPolicyDefinition PowerShell command to get the Azure Policy Definitions list and properties.


The command returns the properties of all the Azure Policy Definitions.


5. Use (Get-AzPolicyDefinition).count PowerShell command to get the count of Azure Policy Definitions.


The command returns the count of the total number of Azure Policy Definitions.
