Microsoft Azure – Pinning to Portal Dashboard

In the given article we will learn about the improvements on how to pin content to an Azure portal dashboard. The article demonstrates how you can pin content across the portal that is meaningful to you all into one place on an Azure dashboard of your choice.

So, suppose on the portal, you are just browsing around and you come across something that you like, say like a chart. Now that you want to keep a copy of that, you can pin that to a dashboard. So if you click the pin to dashboard button, you can choose a dashboard that you would like to pin to.

Azure has two different types of dashboards on the portal. The first one is a private dashboard, a dashboard that only you have access to. Azure also has the concept of shared dashboards, which is an Azure resource that is third in a resource group and subscription. 

So now that you have chosen your type, say you want to pin to a private dashboard, Azure has a dashboard selector here that you can choose from. It automatically populates the last dashboard that you were on. But if this isn’t the dashboard that you want to pin to, you can go ahead and choose another dashboard. So, you can see that you have a list of your recent dashboards here or the full list of dashboards. If you don’t see the one you want and don’t want to scroll but you remember the name, you can just search for it.

Now let’s say you are inside and don’t want to pin to an existing dashboard that you already have. You want to start on a brand new dashboard and just pin this content. That’s not a problem either. You can go there, click, create new. Again, just choose whether you want it to be a private or shared dashboard. And then name this dashboard, just put your dashboard name there, click create and pin.

You’ll get a notification that it’s successful and when you click on that notification, it will bring you to that dashboard. And there you see the content that you saw earlier and it’s pinned here.

Now it’s not just, for example, monitoring or metrics or, a query that can be pinned. You can also pin other content across the portal. So, for example, let’s say you want to go to all resources and want to pin the list to your dashboard as well. As long as you see the pin icon anywhere on the portal, that means that you can go ahead and pin the content through the dashboard.

If you go click the pin, again, you will get a notification. Now when you go back, you will notice that the tile also exists on the dashboard now.

This feature allows you to sort of save all the content that you would like all into one place so that you can more easily access everything in one go. And if you like this view and you want this to be the view that you always land on when you go to the portal, you can go into your settings and save dashboards as your default view.