Microsoft Azure – Auto Refreshing Dashboards

In this article, we will learn how to use Auto-Refresh for Dashboards. It’s sure that you have a lot of data on your dashboards that changes over time. Many of you may be even putting this dashboard up on a display,  to share with the people that you work with. You would not want to be looking at the same data that doesn’t change over time because it gets old.


 If you take a look on your screen underneath your dashboard title, you can see Auto-Refresh. Now if you click on this Auto-Refresh, this is how you can set up your setting. You can turn it off so that your dashboard never refreshes, or you can make it refresh every 30 minutes, every hour, every two hours, every four hours, or every day.

 So, let’s suppose you want this dashboard to refresh every hour. You can go ahead and click every hour and apply. And so now, every time after you first open this dashboard, every hour after that it will refresh

If you want to refresh it immediately and you don’t want to wait for the entire hour, you can click this refresh button that’s at the end of the command bar. So, if you go ahead and click refresh, you can see that the data just refreshed. And also, you can see your last updated time right here. And that last updated time also will be updated every time you use Auto-Refresh. 

And if you want to update refresh on the individual title you can click on in the….on the top right and then you can click refresh. And this will refresh that individual title on its own. And this is a private dashboard, so basically it’s a dashboard only for you. 

But how about when you have dashboards that are shared with others, like for example the one that you are sharing like the inventory dashboard? So, let’s assume you go to my shared dashboard. You can tell it’s a shared dashboard because there is this shared icon right there beside your dashboard name. Everything works the same. You can refresh manually. You can refresh your titles.

And you can also see this Auto-Refresh here under the dashboard title.

The only difference here now is that let’s say you share this with others. You want to see this every hour, but someone else wants to see this updated every 30 minutes. You can go ahead and set this every hour and this will only apply to look at this dashboard. When you open this dashboard somewhere else, you can go ahead and change it to every 30 minutes and you’d be looking at it every 30 minutes, and it won’t have any conflict between the two dashboards.