Microsoft Azure – Working with Dashboards

Pre-requisite:- Azure VM

An Azure dashboard is a useful tool provided by Microsoft Azure. It is a unified solution that works with Azure infrastructure and services. It is a single-pane interface that provides the user with all of the necessary tools and services right above their eyes. Data from Azure Monitor can be combined with data from other Azure services. A web interface makes it simple to customize. It is also simple to deploy using ARM templates.

It can be understood through an example, suppose, the user has configured multiple services on the Azure portal and now needs to keep track of them all. well, the Azure dashboard can help with such. It is simply a collection of shortcuts to resources in Azure, which makes it easy for the user to access, organize, and visualize. The azure dashboard allows the user to have direct access to all the resources that are needed. 

It is a very useful and easy-to-use service. Any user, who has access to the Azure Portal can create and customize Azure Dashboards, as well as personalize their experience just with some simple steps. 

Creating Dashboards with Azure Monitor data

Here are a few simple steps to create Azure Dashboard with Azure monitor data. 

Step 1: First, log in to the Azure portal.

Step 2: Select Dashboard from the Azure portal menu. The dashboard view may already be set by default.


Step 3: Now, here Select ‘New dashboard’ and then click on the ‘Blank dashboard’ option. By doing so, the ‘Tile Gallery’ will be opened, where we can select tiles, as well as empty the grid, and arrange the tiles.


Step 4: Here, in My Dashboard Text in the Dashboard label, enter a name for the dashboard so that it can be recognized later on.


Step 5: the next is to save the dashboard. To save the dashboard as is, select Save in the page header. Or, continue to add tiles and if necessary, it can be edited later. 

Step 6: The new dashboard will be displayed in this dashboard view. To view the available dashboards, click the arrow next to the dashboard name. Dashboards made and shared by other users may be included in the list.

Since we already have learned how to create a new dashboard, now, let’s step further and see how to edit an existing dashboard and make the necessary adjustments to make it more suitable for our needs.

Editing the Dashboard

The step involves adding tiles from the Tile Gallery. to do so,  here are the following steps:

Step 1: Select ‘Edit’ from the page header on the dashboard.


Step 2: Here, To locate a specific tile, search the Tile Gallery or use the keyword field. we can add the required tiles to the dashboard.  


Step 3: The tile usually has a default size and location; simply select “Add” to add it. Another option is to drag the tile to the grid and place it there as required.

Step 4: The tiles can also be resized or arranged here as needed.

Step 5: Once done, we can save the modifications by selecting the “Save” button. The “preview” button allows us to see a preview of the change we have made as well as see how filters will impact the tiles. You can choose Save to keep the changes, Cancel to remove them, or Edit to return to the editing options and make more changes from the preview screen.


We can also add tiles directly from a resource page to your dashboard. The page header of many resource pages includes a pin icon, allowing us to pin a tile that represents the source page.


The other option is to copy a tile to a new dashboard. It means that if necessary, we can also reuse a tile on a different dashboard, by simply copying it. To do so, select ‘Copy’ from the context menu that appears in the top right corner.


In the same way, there are many other options available to edit the tiles as per the need of the user. For instance, you can resize or rearrange tiles, set and override dashboard filters, and alter them as necessary. The tiles in Azure Dashboard can also be customized to meet the user’s requirements.