Microsoft Engage Interview Experience for (Intern + FTE) 2022


In 2022, I applied for the Microsoft Engage Intern Program after a friend told me about it. The application window was open for just one day, so I wasted no time in submitting my form. This marked the beginning of an exciting journey filled with challenges and personal development. Here’s a detailed account of my experience, from the initial quiz round to the final interview.

The Quiz Round and Project Selection

I went through a comprehensive quiz that tested my knowledge of data structures and algorithms. The questions covered topics like stacks, linked lists, and a math problem of permutations and combinations. The time given was 30 minutes. Those who performed well in the quiz advanced to the project-making round, where we could choose from AI-related project topics like face recognition, data analysis, and ML algorithms in streaming platforms.

Tip: Don’t try to rush through answering the questions. Take your time, mark the answers, and check the answers before submitting.

The Project-Making Phase

For a month, I worked on my chosen project from May 3 to June 2. Microsoft organized webinars during this time, providing valuable insights into interview preparation and the industry. I invested my efforts in creating a high-quality project, leveraging the knowledge gained from the webinars. The mentors also helped us through the project. Many people got the internship without any kind of interview just on the basis of their projects.

Tip: Don’t be hesitant in front of your mentor; ask them anything about the project and how to move ahead. Research thoroughly for your project.

The Virtual Interview

I had my first-ever professional interview for the Microsoft Engage internship. Despite feeling nervous, my interviewer created a friendly atmosphere. We discussed my project in detail, including the challenges I faced and how I overcame them. Additionally, he evaluated my understanding of data structures, focusing on stacks, heaps, and binary search trees. The interview concluded with a coding question related to constructing a binary search tree from a given preorder traversal. I successfully provided a solution, albeit taking a bit longer than expected. I prepared for the interview through GFG’s various articles on data structures.

Tip: There is a mentor; the chance that your nervousness will take a toll on the interview. So keep calm and explain the approach to the interviewer before coding it actually on the compiler.

The HR Round:

After clearing the technical interview, I proceeded to the HR round. Unfortunately, I did not advance further in this stage. The HR round involved basic aptitude questions and inquiries about my project.

Tip: Prepare a short note on your projects and aptitude questions and keep it along with you during the interview.


Participating in the Microsoft Engage Intern Program was a valuable learning experience. Despite not securing the internship, I am grateful for the opportunity it provided. The application process was brief, the quiz round challenging, and the project-making phase pushed me to expand my horizons. The interviews assessed both my technical skills and my ability to communicate effectively. Although the outcome was not what I had hoped for, the experience motivated me to continue learning, improving my skills, and pursuing new opportunities in the tech industry.