Microsoft Interview Experience (via Microsoft Engage)

Microsoft Engage is a program for 2nd year B.Tech Undergrads to get a chance to work at Microsoft.

I was selected among the top 3000 students all over India for Microsoft Engage Program 2022. Based on my project I got a call for an interview at Microsoft.

Round 1 (Technical)

  • Introduction
  • The interviewer gave a link to an IDE (Codility) and asked to solve Two Sum problem
  • Asked about the Time and Space complexity of the given problem
  • Asked to optimize the code
  • What is Hashing? Implementation of Hashing and its Time Complexity
  • What is your favorite subject?

Round 2 ( As-Appropriate)

  • Introduction
  • Asked about my projects from my resume(some cross questions too)
  • Asked if the project was a teamwork or not and what was my role in the team
  • Tell me a time when you faced a challenge in school and how did you overcome it
  • Do you know about code modularity?
  • Asked me to solve Merge two sorted arrays
  • Asked Time and Space complexity
  • Do you have any questions? (Always ask questions if the interviewer asks this)

Both the rounds were of 45mins

Tip: Whenever you are coding the solution just think out loud so the interviewer understands your thinking process. And ask relevant questions before jumping into the solution.