Microsoft Interview Experience for Software Engineer Intern – Summer 2024

Before the first interview, there were two stages:

  1. Resume Shortlisting
  2. Online Assessment (which had 3 medium-hard level problems)

Technical Interview:

The interview was of 60 minutes. At the beginning, the interviewer gave a brief introduction about himself, after which I gave my introduction. Then the interviewer told me how the flow of the interview would be. The first question was how to implement a dictionary. He asked me what data structure I would use and what my approach would be. I wasn’t so sure about my approach, still I told my approach, after that, he told me that the problem could be solved using Prefix Trie. Then I was asked a problem from Core CS. He asked what I could do if I wanted to send a very large file (eg. a video file or a movie) to a friend over the Internet. The solution was to use Batch Processing in Operating Systems. After that, I was asked the types of traversals in tress and a few other basic questions. Then I was asked to code the implementation of a queue. At the end, he asked me if I had any questions and the interview was finished.