Oracle Interview Experience for Netsuite Summer Intern 2024

Oracle visited our college for hiring for the role of NetSuite project intern for summer 2024. The process begun with shortlisting students on the basis of cgpa and backlogs. A total of around 160 students were eligible.

Eligible students :

CGPA: 7 & above

Backlogs: 0

Online Assessment:

The first eliminatory round was the Online assessment round which comprised 22 questions in total. There was one DSA question (Leetcode medium level), 1 Rest API and the rest were aptitude and English. Out of the eligible 160, 30 students got shortlisted for the interview round.


The first round of technical interviews began with an introduction followed by a discussion of projects. Then he went on to ask 2 DSA questions.

  • find an index of the point where a sorted array is rotated.
  • maximum profit earned from stock buying and selling.

He grilled by asking to write the test cases where the program would fail and asked for optimization. He further asked some questions related to computer organization and architecture.

Even after giving brute, better, and one optimal solution, I was not selected for the next round. Though it was my first interview I took it as a learning experience.

TIP: The interviewer is friendly so don’t get nervous. Build some good projects and try to engage him in them. Provide proper full solutions to DSA questions. Also learn OOPs, and DBMS for further rounds.