MKSSS Campus Experience


College is an amazing place where you can explore and try out new things without the fear of failing. Clubs are its various offerings that give an impetus to your creative skills at work and provide you with hands-on experience and networking opportunities with influential peers. As a first-year CSE student, I would like to give you a brief account of my experience with clubs in general and how they have helped me and my resume.

Many vs one

Now the clubs you choose to decide to get into are like a reflection of the type of person you are, your likes and interests motivate you to join clubs accordingly but should you join too many clubs or restrict it to one or two, well that depends. As I said clubs are like a transformation of your hobbies and likes into a group, instead of you just doing it alone, you will do it with a lot of people who like it as much as you do, so in my opinion the question comes to how much you can balance. With great power comes great responsibility, and with great college comes a great academic load, so if you are an efficient multitasker, go for it. Especially if you are a first year, do not pause to think, as this is the most time you will ever get in college.

What they do

I am a part of the College Editorial, I have been part of the editorial since my school days and absolutly love writing. I am a part of the E-cell or the Entreprenuer cell and the Society of Women Engineers. You should try to get in clubs of your core interest right from first year as then there are greater chnaces for you to head positions also. A lot of people have this concern over balancing too many things on their plates but I say if you love the work that you do then it never feels like work, but its important that you do not join clubs just because your friends are joining it, or because it would look great on your resume. You should join with the mindset of growing your skill sets and expanding your horizons. There are lakhs of students who gradutae every year, in any field you take it, all of them learned the same course you are learning, took the same exams, that you are taking the same things going on a loop but what differs you at the end of the day from lakhs of those students are your skills, your hobbies.This is the differerntiator , that puts the you in unique. They are great channels to hone your communication skills, I am a much more confident person than I was before. There are so many hidden soft skills that you slowly learn over time and you do not even realise it, the process is so seamless and natural.


Whatever clubs you do decide to join, give them your all. the number doesn’t matter I have seen people managing 12 clubs and still doing good in their academics and other things while some people get stuck in the cracks with just 2. So make sure your clubs are a respreentation of who you are, what you like and enjoy. If you join a club and don’t enjoy the activites, the work then that beats the whole purpose and its okay to leave some of them if you dont like it. Exploration should be one your mantras! Some work while some do not its ok, move on and find other ones, but dont stop. Cheers and All the best!