MLH Fellowship Interview Experience

Hi, I am Amit Maity, and I am pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

In the month of March 2022, I applied for the MLH Fellowship program 2022, which is a paid internship opportunity having international working exposure with an Open Source track.

About MLH Fellowship: The MLH Fellowship is a remote internship alternative for students. It is a 12-week internship program that happens every year where students can build their skills by getting exposed to real-life projects while working from home. This program offers both full-time and part-time participation. Part-time participation requires devoting 10-20 hours per week, whereas full-time participation requires 30-40 hours per week.

MLH gives opportunities for interns in two ways,

  1. MLH Fellowship Program (Paid)
  2. MLH Prep Program (Unpaid)

They both have three tracks to choose from or you can choose them all as well, the three tracks are Software Engineering, Open Source, and Production Engineering something in product management. I applied for the open-source track.

Round 1 (Resume + Essay Shortlist): The entry point means the first round is about the resume shortlisting + code review and essay shortlisting whatever you have submitted. So, I applied for the MLH Fellowship program. I had a few Android tech stack-related projects, so I submitted that as a code sample. And ya, after a few months, I received mail that I was invited to schedule the first Interview.

Round 2 (Similar to HR Round): I scheduled one day at my convenience. It was about 15/20 minutes. This round is about HR Rounds and asks some basic questions.

I remembered, a few of them:

  • Why MLH Fellowship?
  • Can you spend 30+ hours in a week?
  • Explain previous projects.
  • Explain, where you faced difficulty to build the previous projects.
  • Basics, questions like behavioral questions.

After the interview, I was a bit sure that, I will promote to the next process, and ya that happened. After a few days, I received the mail to schedule my next Interview, which was Technical Interview. And ya another happy moment.

Round 3 (Technical Interview): This was also 15/20 minutes. At first, he asked about introducing myself. Then via screen sharing, I shared that GitHub repo, which I submitted for the review process. Then he randomly asks a few questions from the code snippet. I explained all of that related to Android.

After one week the results, I rejected. But the feedback was not mentioned there.

Hope this helps. Thanks, and all the best for your MLH journey.

By Amit Maity.