MLH Interview Experience

Greetings, I am Ayush Georg , and I am pursuing my Bachelor of Technology in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

In the month of May, I applied for the MLH Fellow program 2022, which is a paid internship opportunity having international working exposure.

MLH or Major Hacking League is known for its community building and elite hackathons conduction, I have attended Global Hack Day, Local Hack Day, Global Init, etc. events which were hosted and moderated by MLH fellows, and thus was interested in being one.

MLH gives opportunities for interns in two ways,

  • MLH Prep Program, which is the same as a fellow but unpaid.
  • MLH Fellow Program.

They both have three tracks to choose from or you can choose them all as well, the three tracks are Software Engineering, Open Source, and Production Engineering something in product management.

I got rejected twice in the MLH Prep Program, but when I applied for the Fellow program, my resume got shortlisted and I got the interview opportunity with MLH.

Interview: The interview was taken by the previous MLH fellow in 2021, she was the same age.

The questions were introductory and not so technical, they basically want to know your interest and how much time could you able to devote to this extensive program.

My interview went well, but I answered the time duration as 20 hours per week. All the questions were the same as in the HR round, about you, your preferences, and why you this domain, I chose Open Source because I wanted to contribute as an Open-Source developer.

After one week the results came with the feedback, I was rejected because they want a minimum of candidates to work for 30+ hours a week, that was the feedback I received. So kindly go through the eligibility criteria for the MLH Fellow or Prep program, before the Interview.

Hope this helps. Thanks, and all the best for your MLH journey.

By Ayushi George