My Journey From a polytechnic education to a BTech program


I am from Hyderabad. My journey began when I was in the 6th grade. Our teachers often reminded us that our future depended on how well we did in our studies. This instilled in me the determination to do my best academically.

The Journey from School to Polytechnic

After finishing the 10th grade, my goal was to get into the top Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) or National Institutes of Technology (NITs), as they were highly regarded. However, I ended up taking the Polycet exam and secured a good rank, leading me to join the Government Polytechnic College in Hyderabad. This turned out to be a pivotal moment in my life.

Learning Programming in Polytechnic

During my time at the Government Polytechnic College, I started exploring various programming languages and the basics of computer science. The more I learned, the more I realized that the skills I was acquiring would be crucial in the tech industry. This hands-on experience gave me a solid foundation.

Advantages of a Polytechnic Education

Choosing the polytechnic route has its benefits. The education here is more practical, focusing on real-world skills and applications. Unlike traditional academic paths, where theory often takes precedence, my polytechnic experience taught me the importance of having practical skills to thrive in the tech industry. It was a blessing in disguise.

Transitioning to BTech at JNTU College

After completing my diploma, I transitioned to BTech at JNTU College, Hyderabad. The skills and knowledge I gained during my polytechnic education proved valuable in my BTech studies. I could relate to the coursework better, having already developed a strong foundation in computer science and programming.

Advice for Aspiring Students

For those aspiring to enter the tech industry, my advice is to focus on skills and practical experience. While traditional education paths like IITs and NITs are highly regarded, the polytechnic route can also lead to success if you’re willing to learn and adapt. Remember, with the right skills, you can control your destiny.


My journey from polytechnic to BTech has taught me that time changes everything. I believe that continuous learning and adaptability are key to success. I hope my story inspires others to pursue their unique paths, knowing that there’s no single way to achieve your goals.