My Journey From Transforming Education into AI Expertise

As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. I remember the day I decided to pursue my passion for technology and programming and the many challenges I faced along the way. However, with determination and hard work, I transformed my internship experiences into a journey of growth and learning.

My journey began with a PHP Training and Internship Program at BigNation7Infotech in Indore, India (April 2019 – July 2019). I was excited to learn and master HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, SQL, Database, PHP, and XAMPP. This experience provided a strong foundation in web development and databases, and I was eager to apply my new skills to real-world projects.

In January 2022, I joined Blue Chip Computer Education in Indore, India for a Training And Internship Program. Here, I expanded my skills to include Tkinter, SQL, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Pyplot, SciKit-Learn, OpenCV, and Django. I developed projects like PA Lady Jarvis, an AI Banking System, a Traffic Light Simulator, and a Mobile Number Tracer, showcasing my versatility in programming.

In November 2022, I joined Pantech E-Learning for an OpenCV Python Student Internship in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. During this period, I gained expertise in Face Recognition in real-time, converting BGR and RGB with OpenCV cvtColor(), and applying the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm, Bayes Classifier, SVM, and Decision Trees on images. I also worked with Python, OpenCV, Keras, and Tensorflow for image conversions, filtering, and detection.

In December 2022, I participated in an AI-ML Virtual Internship Program organized by AICTE with the support of Amazon Web Services. This program further solidified my understanding of AI and ML concepts, algorithms, and Python programming.

In March 2023, I joined Sync Interns for a Python Student Internship, where I created a URL Shortener in Python using Tkinter and pyshorteners Python Libraries. I also developed a Gmail OTP Verification using smtplib Libraries and created an AI ChatBot using Python.

Currently, I am working as a MERN Stack Intern at Mantic Technologies in Indore, India (August 2023 – December 2023). Here, I am developing a Responsive and Dynamic Todo app using React.JS and an Indian Smart Traffic System (SITS) using the MERN stack. My expertise includes HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, JQuery, React.JS, Node.JS, Express.JS, MongoDB, Git, and API.

In October 2022, I completed the IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate on Coursera, solidifying my proficiency in essential data analysis skills. Throughout the program, I honed my abilities in data visualization, manipulation, and interpretation using popular tools such as Excel, SQL, and Tableau. This achievement marked a significant milestone in my data science journey, as I demonstrated my commitment to mastering the fundamentals of data analysis.

Following the IBM Data Analyst certification, I pursued the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate in July 2022 to further expand my knowledge base. This program also offered through Coursera, equipped me with advanced skills in data-driven decision-making, statistical analysis, and data storytelling. The Google certification solidified my position as a well-rounded data analyst, ready to tackle complex problems and deliver actionable insights.

In conclusion, my journey from intern to AI specialist reflects my dedication to higher education and continuous learning. My diverse experience in programming languages, frameworks, and AI-ML concepts has prepared me for a successful career in technology. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to continuing my growth and development in this field.