Nagarro Interview Experience for Senior .NET Developer

Round 1 (IQ Test): The test was taken on 30 questions in 20 mins.

Round 2 (Coding): The test was taken on 3 questions are to be completed in 75 minutes. Questions like,

  • Find the second largest element in an array 
  • Find Duplicate item from an int Array and return sorted array as result.
  • Count Possible Decoding of a given Digit Sequence

Note: These questions may repeat or may not but platform will be same.

Round 3 (MCQ Technical): The test was taken on Multiple topics in 1 hr.

Round 4 (1 on 1): 

  • What technologies do you have work?
  • Tell me about yourself?
  • How do you implement OOPS concepts Abstraction, Polymorphism, and Inheritance?
  • Types of polymorphism?
  • How do you override a method?
  • SOLID principle?
  • Does Diff bet abstract vs interfaces?
  • ref and out?
  • String and StringBuilder?
  • Private constructor in abstract method and normal class?
  • Encapsulate data in c#?
  • Struct and class?
  • What is a Static constructor?
  • What is Operator overriding and overriding?
  • Why is it possible to write a constructor for an abstract class in C#?
  • As far as I know, we can’t instantiate an abstract class.. so what is it for?
  • Explain ASP.NET MVC life cycle?
  • What is Postbank in ASP.NET?
  • What are tag helpers?
  • taghelper vs HTML helper ?
  • What are filters?
  • temp data viewing viewdata?
  • What are HTML helpers?
  • attribute-based routing?
  • razor and ASPX view engine?
  • What is MVCscaffolding?
  • What is route constraint?
  • binding and magnification?
  • What is the entity framework?
  • rest API diff methods?
  • put vs post?
  • HTTP status code categories?
  • messaging in terms of restful services?
  • protocol supported by rest API?
  • What is a TCP 3-way handshake?
  • ASP.NET Web API application life cycle?
  • media type formatter ?
  • web API filters?
  • What is HTTPResponse msg?
  • API controller and controller?
  • What is Hoisting in js?
  • Difference between equal to and double = to?
  • What is coercion js?
  • What is currying js?
  • What is Higher order func js?
  • Different CSS selectors?
  • 1 div with id, contains 4 div in it and each of those 4 div consist more 4 div again. now select only even number div from 2nd div and odd number from 3rd div
  • What are Indexing SQL server and their types?
  • What are triggers and their types?
  • Write a query to find the top 10 amps from each designation?
  • Project management questions like,
  • How do you estimate the project in agile?
  • Few last days of development remain and if one developer is ill then how do you handle the situation?