Nagarro Interview Experience for Software Developer

Hello readers!
I am here to give a brief about my interview experience at Nagarro. I am in my final year of college, so Nagarro came on campus somewhere between July and August for 2 roles SD and CSD.

Nagarro conducted total 3 rounds-

  1. Coding round
  2. Technical interview round
  3. HR round

I’ll be explaining these rounds one by one.
Let us start with the very first round i.e. coding round.

1. Coding round:  There were not only coding questions, it was a mix-up of aptitude questions and few coding questions.
They conducted both tests in one go. The login time for the test was 10 AM. The aptitude test was for 1 hour i.e. 10 AM to 11 AM.  The duration for the coding test was 2:30 hours i.e. 11 AM to 12:30 PM. The coding test had 2 sections-

  • SD 
  • CSD

The first 90 minutes of the test was for the SD section, this section had a total of 3 questions. The level of the questions was medium to hard. There was one easy question, one medium, and one hard problem.
I have one SD question which was asked in the coding round. The question is-

In Timsort, we try to use the naturally sorted subsequence already present in the array which is to be sorted. The natural sorted sequences are those which are somehow already present in the provided array.
Your task is to find the length of the longest natural sorted subsequence already present in the given string.

Input specification:

Input1: A string containing all lowercase letters.

Output specification:

Return the length of the longest natural sorted subsequence.

Example 1:

input 1: abzd

output: 3

While you are attempting the SD section, you can not shift to the CSD section. Once you moved to the CSD section then you can not come back to the SD section.

So you have 90 minutes to complete 3 questions.

If we talk about the CSD section, so there were 2 questions, one of them is about leet code medium and the other also lies in the same range.
There is a high chance you have to use dynamic programming to optimize one or both problems.
You will be given 60 minutes to solve both problems.
I do not remember the exact question but I can give you a rough idea. There was a question in which a person was trying to steal some diamonds from a building. There were n floors in the building and each floor had some number of diamonds and he had a bag where he was putting all his diamonds. He can not put more than capable of the bag.
So it was kind of a 0-1 knapsack problem.

I have solved almost 2 questions. For the first question, 100% of test cases pass and only 60% of test cases passed for 2nd question.
I was shortlisted for the next round. 

Let us now move to the Technical Round.

2. Technical round: Same day I got an email containing the link of a teams meeting. They scheduled a technical round for the next morning.
I was a little bit happy and nervous at the same time. So I went through interview questions asked in Nagarro, scrolled Beginner for Beginner and read almost every interview experience, and noted all the questions.
I went through all the questions. So the day morning, I got a call and the interviewer started with his introduction and asked me to introduce myself.

So after the introduction, he asked me in which language I’m more comfortable, so I choose C++ because I used to do competitive programming in C++ only.
So he started with a very basic question

Then he asked more questions in OOPs like

I will list a few of the questions which I remember—

  1. What is a heap data structure and where do you prefer using a heap over other data structures?
  2. Name some algorithms which use the heap data structure.
  3. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy?
  4. Explain function overriding and what role the virtual functions play in function overriding.
  5. What is the difference between array and stack, list at least 5 differences?
  6. How to implement a queue using stack?
  7. What is the time complexity of merge sort, insertion sort, quick sort, and bubble sort?
  8. The best and worst time complexity of the linear search.
  9. What do you mean by best and worst time complexity?

These are the few questions that I was asked, other than this has asked more DSA questions.
In the end, he asked me to write a program to find the second largest element in an array. The interview went for 15-20 minutes.
This was all about the technical round.

Although the questions were not that much tough still I was nervous. Fortunately, I got an email that I was shortlisted for the next round which is the HR round.

Let us now start with the HR round.

3. HR round: Again with a little nervous mind which is very natural, I made myself ready for interview. At sharp 10:50 I got a team call and conversation starts with greeting each other. I introduced myself and HR started putting some questions like 

  • Where are you from?
  • Why do you want to join Nagarro?
  • What do you know about Nagarro?
  •  Which office location will you prefer and why?

These were some basic questions and HR hung up the call.

This is my interview experience, I hope it is worth reading.

Final tips for interview:

  • Go through GFG Interview experience blogs, and read as many as possible.
  • Keep your fundamentals strong
  • Leetcode medium questions are enough to crack the coding round.
  • Don’t be nervous at the time of the interview, at the end interviewer is also a human like you.

Thank you so much for reading this. All the best for your interview.

GFG Karlo, Ho Jayega