Nagarro Interview Experience for Trainee-Software Engineer

The first round was a various decision question round comprising 100 inquiries. There were inquiries regarding information designs and inclination. Information structure questions were earlier year GATE questions. Rehearsing entryway questions and having decent control over information designs would be exceptionally helpful.

In the wake of finishing the first round, I received a mail for the second round which was a coding round. Comprising 3 coding questions as follows:

  • To figure out the longest expanding aftereffect.
  • In light of string Manipulation(I don’t recall the specific inquiry)
  • Figure out a square of a number and add it to the past number till the expected digit.

The inquiries were of moderate level, rehearsing some critical thinking questions, and having fundamental information on powerful programming would help a ton. As indicated by my perception, every one of the people who addressed each of the 3 inquiries got the meeting mail including me. The meeting was directed by opening astutely.

On the first of November 2020, I received the mail from Nagarro that my meeting is planned for the third of November in Microsoft Teams, it was a virtual meeting. The inquiries posed to me in the meeting were as follows:

  • Present yourself.
  • The questioner had a bunch of inquiries with him, he shared his screen and requested that I take care of the issue, the issue depended on a grid then he requested that I streamline my methodology?
  • Examined the inquiries of the coding round and posed for a more upgraded way to deal with taking care of those issues. 
  • Requested that I compose a code by sharing my screen the issue was connected with seeing as the closest wonderful square number.
    Ex: He gave me the number 55 and requested that I find the closest wonderful square number like 49 and 64 are ideal square numbers almost 55 and the response ought to be 49 as it is nearest to it.

After this the questioner requested that I stay on the board, then, at that point, in the span of 2 minutes, somebody from their group joined the meeting and let me know I am equipped for the HR round which would be planned for some time. Following 20 minutes I got a connection for the HR interview round. This round was again in Microsoft Teams. The questioner asked questions and posed essential inquiries like:

  • Will you be able to migrate?
  • How did you hear about Nagarro?
  • Where do you see yourself in the following 5 years?
  • For what reasons would you like to join Nagarro?

 This round was for around 6 minutes. After 4 days I received a message from my school situation office, that I am selected for Nagarro as Trainee-Software Engineer. Trust me this would help, All the best to everybody!!