Nagarro Interview Experience for Software Engineer

I have 2-3 years of Experience in Java/Spring MVC/REST. I participated in Nagarro’s drive-in in March 2021 via referral from a friend. It was a tremendous experience I got from some series of coding tests and interviews. Nagarro is one of the leading industries of today’s era. It is a CMMI level 5 company that focuses more on growth and innovation.


  1. IQ Test: 40 questions in 15 minutes  (No negative marking)
  2. MCQ Test: Technical questions  (Questions on AWS, Java-spring, Hibernate, Java-8 streams)
  3. Coding Round: On Mettle, need to solve 3 questions in 90 minutes  
  4. Technical Discussion: First round of technical discussion 1:1. Mostly basics and a few algorithms and data structure related questions  
  5. Technical Discussion: The second round of technical discussions: application level and in-depth questions of the stream you into.

Round 1(Aptitude Round): First round was conducted on the 2nd March. 

  • It had 2 sections, one was about data structures consisted 15 questions and the other section had 15 aptitude questions. I did all of these questions. There was a negative marking for each wrong question in the aptitude.
  • The next day, I got a mail about the next round which was a coding round.

Round 2(Coding on Mettle)

  1. String are given need to convert it into JavaVaribale and vice-versa
    For example- if a given string is:  this_is_variable
    Output- thisVariable (need to replace _ with empty and next character to _  need to be Capital letter)
  2. Find Element in Given array greater than n/2 times
  3. Find character frequency in alphabetical order.
    ex: "aaddcbb"
    o/p: "a2b2c1d2"

Round 3: It was a Technical round on teams for 30 mins slot reserved for me.

  1. lambda expressions
  2. Prime numbers 1-50(using streams also)
  3. Marker interface
  4. Spring annotations
  5. Difference b/w @RestController and @Controller
  6. .equals() and hashcode contract
  7. Difference between HashMap and HashSet
  8. Callable interface
  9. 2,3 input / output ques related to spring
  10. try/catch with resources
  11. What are predicates
  12. How can we implement our own functional interfaces in java
  13. What are streams
  14. Difference between streams and collections
  15. Difference between filter and map in streams
  16. if we put. @Component annotation on Controller, Service and Repository layer will it work?

On the same day, I got a mail that two interviews will be conducted, technical interview followed by HR interview.

On 8th March, my interview was scheduled. It was again an elimination round.

Round 4(Technical Interview): The interview started with my introduction. Then there was a discussion on approaches I gave in the coding round.

#Interview ques

  1. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
  2. Difference between sleep()and wait()
  3. Difference between race condition and deadlock
  4. Why we use synchronized on the block when we can use it on the method  
  5. Why we use serialization  
  6. How we validate path in java  
  7. classnotfound vs classdefinitionnotfound
  8. Count num of zeroes in the binary representation of a number  
  9. Checked and unchecked exceptions  
  10. Given ArrayList get unique elements and maintain the order  
  11. A real-life example of LinkedList  
  12. Cloning concept in java  
  13. Ways to create an object in java  
  14. Does applying synchronized on a method solve the race condition problem?
  15. Worked on Azure?  
  16. What all we need to consume REST APIs provided by third-party service

I answered all the questions they asked. On the same day in the evening, I got a call for my HR round.

Round 5(HR Interview): HR interview lasted for only 6 min. The interviewer asked me a few questions including-

  1. Why Nagarro?
  2. Reason for a job change?
  3. Any offers in hand?
  4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  5. Preferred location?

I want to thank w3wiki for this amazing interview experience section which helped me prepare for Nagarro. Also, thank you w3wiki for these amazing DSA resources which helped me prepare for the coding round and helped me improve my problem-solving skills.

To everyone preparing for the Nagarro interview, prepare well DSA, OOPs, projects, and read more interview experiences, so you are better able to prepare. All the best!!