NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4: Gender, Religion and Caste

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste – This article includes free detailed NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines to help the students of Class 10 make a solid conceptual base for Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4: Gender, Religion and Caste and ace their exams.

NCERT Solutions Civics Chapter 4

In this chapter of Gender, Religion and Caste, they will understand that power sharing is an important part of democracy. NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste will help them learn about questions related to gender and religious differences, caste inequalities, etc. which form an important part of democracy.

The solutions to all the exercise questions in NCERT Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste have been collectively covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste

Q 1. Mention different aspects of life in which women are discriminated against or disadvantaged in India.


Unfortunately, in India women faces a lot of discrimination and disadvantages in several aspects of their lives. Here are some examples:

  1. Education: In India, Women are often denied equal access to education  due to societal attitudes and biases, resulting in higher illiteracy rates among women than men.
  2. Employment: Women are underpaid and underrepresented than men in India. Many women face barriers to employment due to expectation in household. 
  3. Political representation: Politics is another field in which women are grossly underrepresented, with only a small number of female representatives elected.
  4. Health: Women health is very as compared to men, with higher rates of maternal mortality, malnutrition, and other health problems. They also face barriers in accessing healthcare due to cultural norms and lack of resources.
  5. Violence: Since ages, women face lot of violence in India, they face gender based violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment and assualtu. 
  6. Property and inheritance rights: Women in India face difficulties in gaining access to and inheriting property, which is frequently controlled by male family members.

These are just a few areas in which women in India face discrimination and disadvantage.

Q 2. State different forms of communal politics with one example each. 


Communal politics are those that prioritise the interests of a specific community or group over the interests of society as a whole. Here are difference forms of communal politics and an example of each of them:

  1. Religious communalism: This form of communalism involves promoting the interests of a particular religion over other religions. For example, the Hindutva movement in India emphasizes Hindu nationalism and seeks to establish a Hindu state.
  2. Ethnic communalism: This form of communalism is related to the interests of a particular ethnic group over other groups. For example, the Hutu- Tutsi conflict in Rwanda.
  3. Linguistic communalism: This form emphasizes on the groups which have the interests of a particular linguistic group over other groups. For example, the separatist movement in Catalonia , they seeks to establish an independent Catalan speaking state.
  4. Regional communalism: This form of communalism emphasizes the interests of a particular region over other regions. For example, the Basque separatist movement in Spain seeks to establish an independent Basque state.
  5. Caste communalism: This form of communalism emphasizes the interests of a particular caste over other castes. For example, the Dalit movement was to seek the rights of the lower castes and to eliminate caste-based discrimination.

Q 3. State how caste inequalities are still continuing in India.


Caste inequalities are unfortunately still exist in India despite the efforts to remove them. According to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), following are few evidences present for caste inequalities in India:

1. Untouchability: Despite being illegal, the practice of untouchability still exists in some parts of India, particularly in rural areas. Dalits, who are considered the lowest caste in the Hindu social hierarchy, are often excluded from social and religious events and are denied access to common facilities like water wells, temples, and public toilets.

2. Employment discrimination: Lower castes many a times face discrimination in employment opportunities. They are frequently denied for the jobs or are offered very less wages ,even if they have the same or better qualifications than their upper-caste contenders.

3. Education discrimination: Lower-caste such as Dalit students still face discrimination and harassment in schools and universities. They are often segregated, made to sit separately from upper-caste students, and are subjected to derogatory remarks and physical violence.

4. Violence: Violence against lower-caste communities is still prevalent in India. Dalits and other lower-caste people are often subjected to physical violence, sexual assault, and harassment by upper-caste individuals or groups.

5. Political representation: Despite constitutional provisions for reservations in elected bodies, Dalits and other lower castes are often excluded from political representation. Even when they are elected, they are frequently marginalized and their voices are not heard.

These are just a few examples of how caste inequalities continue to exist in India. Although significant progress has been made in addressing these issues, much more needs to be done to ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect regardless of their caste or social background.

Q 4. State two reasons to say that caste alone cannot determine election results in India.


It can be argued that caste alone is not sufficient to determine election results in India :

  1. Due to the fact that no parliamentary constituency has a homogenous caste population. Therefore, candidates and parties must appeal to and gain the trust of multiple castes and communities in order to secure electoral victory.
  2. The idea that a single caste or community is a guaranteed ‘vote bank’ for a particular political party is often misleading. While a significant portion of voters from a particular caste may vote for a certain party, it is rare for any party to win the votes of all members of a particular caste or community.

Q 5. What is the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies?


We already have reservation for women in Panchayati Raj bodies, there are over 10,00,000 women who have been elected as representatives in rural and urban local bodies in India. Women’s activists groups have been demanding similar kind of reservation of at least 1/3rd of seats in both the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies for women, to give better status and respect to  women in the society. 

However, the proposed bill proposing of this reservation has been pending before the Parliament for more than ten years, as there is no consensus on the matter among all political parties. As a result, the bill has not been passed.

Q 6. Mention any two constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.


There are several constitutional provisions that make India a secular state, but here are two:

1. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution declares India to be a “sovereign socialist secular democratic republic.” The use of the word “secular” in the Preamble indicates that the Indian state is neutral with respect to all religions and does not promote or endorse any particular religion.

2. Article 25 of the Indian Constitution: Article 25 guarantees every citizen the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate their religion. This provision ensures that the Indian state does not interfere in the religious practices of its citizens and allows individuals to follow any religion of their choice without fear of persecution or discrimination.

Q 7. When we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to:

  1. Biological difference between men and women
  2. Unequal roles assigned by society to men and women
  3. Unequal child-sex ratio
  4. Absence of voting rights for women in democracies


Option 2. Unequal roles assigned by society to men and women is the right answer. 

Q 8. In India, seats are reserved for women in

  1. Lok Sabha
  2. State legislative assemblies
  3. Cabinets
  4. Panchayati Raj bodies


Option 4. Panchayati Raj bodies is the right answer

Q 9. Consider the following statements on the meaning of communal politics. Communal politics is based on the belief that:

  1. One religion is superior to that of others.
  2. People belonging to different religions can live together happily as equal citizens.
  3. Followers of a particular religion constitute one community.
  4. State power cannot be used to establish the domination of one religious group over others.

Which of the statements is correct?
(a)1,2,3 and 4 (b) 1,2 and 4 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4


Point 1 and 3 are correct, we have already stated about communial politics in question 2. For more details kindly refer. 

Q 10. Which of the following statements about India’s Constitution is wrong? It

  1. prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion.
  2. gives official status to one religion.
  3. provides all individuals the freedom to profess any religion.
  4. ensures equality of citizens within religious communities.


Option 2 is wrong.

Q 11. Social divisions based on _________ are peculiar to India.


Social division based on caste are peculiar to India.

Q 12. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:

  List I List II
1. A person who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men. A. Communalist
2. A person who says that religion is the principal basis of community. B. Feminist
3. A person who thinks that caste is the principal basis of community C. Secularist
4. A person who does not discriminate others on the basis of religious beliefs. D. Casteist
  1 2 3 4
(a) B C A D
(b) B A D C
(c) D C A B
(d) C A B D


(b) B A D C

Gender, Religion, and Caste Summary

Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste of your NCERT Social Science Political Science (Civics) textbook Democratic Politics-II introduces the students to social divisions in the country which are based on gender, religion, and caste. How these social differences are mostly based on these three important fragments that affect the politics of the country has been discussed in this chapter. Students will be able to learn about gender equality, inequality, communal differences, and also how the government is able to work for filling the gaps which are present in the constitutional provisions.

Important Topics Discussed in NCERT Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste

The students will be learning about the following topics:

The Book ” Democratic Politics-II” is one of the important books for Class 10 Social Science and apart from this chapter, a full set of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science is present.

Also Check:

To get complete notes on Gender, Religion and Caste- NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4, click here- CBSE Notes Class 10 Political Science Chapter 4: Gender, Religion, and Caste

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste- FAQs

Q 1. How many questions are present in NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste?

There are 12 questions that are present in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science. For answering the questions easily, the students have to refer to NCERT Solutions available on w3wiki. Each and every small detail which is important has been covered in the solutions as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern of the CBSE board.

Q 2. Are there any charges to download NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste PDF?

No, the NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste PDF is free of cost. The concepts and solutions are elaborated here in an understandable way.

Q 3. What are the topics discussed in Chapter 4 Gender, Religion and Caste of NCERT Class 10 Political Science?

The important topics which are covered in Chapter 4 : Gender, Religion and Caste of NCERT Class 10 Political Science are as follows:

  1. Gender and Politics
  2. Women’s Political Representation
  3. Religion, Communalism, and Politics
  4. Caste and Politics