Newfold Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022

Newfold Digital (Endurance International Group) visited our campus on September 26, 2022. It has a total of 5 round processes to hire from the campus. Each round is an elimination round. In an interview, in both rounds interviewer are very knowledgeable and also very polite to the candidate.

Round 1(Online MCQ): The first round was conducted on the Talview Platform; this round had 60 MCQ’s need to complete in 1hr. It covers topics like Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, and a few questions on Linux (Concepts like forking, etc.). Those who cleared the first round will get the company’s link for the next round.

Round 2(Online Coding): This round comprised Coding Questions on the HackerEarth Platform, and around 20 students made it to this round. There were three questions that I had to complete in 1hr.

The Questions were Moderate to High Difficulty Levels.

  • String Minimization: Given a string of lowercase characters a, b, and c, and you had to minimize the string based on some conditions, something like you had to divide the string into two parts and append them such that if the same characters occur in Suffix and Prefix, then you can remove them.
    Minimize the length of a string by removing suffixes and prefixes of the same characters – w3wiki
  • Cheapest Buy: 2D matrix is given as input. Row(n) represents the no of shops, and Columns(m) represent the no of items. Matrix[i][j] represent the amount for that item in that shop. From each shop, we need to take m-1 items. In the answer need to give the minimum amount.
  • Rearrange an array: Given N size array and N is even. If we split the array in half, you need to rearrange the array in the form; both have the same elements in the array. If it is possible, then return true or return false.
    [5,5,7,7] => [5,7,5,7] return 1
    [1,2,3,4] return 0 // because we can’t rearrange according to the given condition.

Round 3(Technical Interview 1): This round was conducted on the Microsoft Team, the panel had one interviewer who asked me numerous questions to test my core concepts, and the interview took around 1hr.

  • Tell me something about Yourself.
  • Tell me something about the Projects mentioned in your Resume. Which subjects are comfortable with(mainly asked about CN, OS)? Then start asking about CN. 
  • Told me to open a new tab and one website and asked me about what the procedure was going on back this. Like DNS(for the name to IP), then asked about 3-way hand-shakes. 
  • How can you find the IP address of the sender server?
  • Asked me about the HTTP status code and its meaning.
  • Is this website secure or not?
  • Tell me about common ports. (like HTTP use 80)
  • Asked me about OSI layers and layer names. 
  • Encryption and decryption happened in which layer?
  • Which protocol is used in the transport layer?
  • What are SSL and TSL?
  • What is a subnet?
  • How many hosts are in specific IPs?
  • Which Linux command do you use?
  • Asked about the grep command.
  • How can we see which process takes more memory and CPU in Linux? (command: top)
  • What is the default permission for the new files in Linux?
  • What is the default permission for a new folder in Linux?
  • What is SSH?
  • Ask about tuples and lists in python.
  • Is python a case-sensitive language?

Almost six students cleared this round. 

Round 4 (Technical Interview 2): The panel had just one interviewer. The duration of the interview was around 1hr.

This round contains many open-ended questions, like scenario-based questions.
First, they asked me to create one architecture for social networking application. Then based on that architecture, they further questioned the foundations of the concepts. For example, how can we optimize specific scenarios? Specifically, How will you reduce the time of some APIs taking too much time?

They checked Distributed systems, Distributed databases, OS, and a few computer network concepts with specific scenarios. For example, messaging queues, cache, backup servers, load balancing, scripting in OS, threading,  database replication, a master-slave architecture, database partitioning, and many more.

  • What is the container?
  • What is the difference between a container and a virtual machine?
  • What is CDN?

Only one student cleared this round.

Round 5(HR Round): In this round, I was asked HR-type Questions, which was done in nearly 15mins.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Tell me why your grade is a little lower.
  • Why did you pursue a master’s after working professionally in IT?
  • Why did you choose Mtech, not MBA?
  • Tell me about your family background.
  • What is your priority at work?
  • What else do you like in your free time other than what you mentioned in your resume?

The Interview experience was smooth, provided you were through with the Core Subjects like(OS and CN) and also included advanced subjects like (distributed systems, system design, and distributed databases) and had Good coding experience, so start with GfG Practice and LeetCode. Yes, interview rounds are long, and it’s not always easy for everyone. It also depends on the interviewer.

I got the offer.