Newfold Interview Experience (On-Campus)

I am writing down this article to share my interview experience with Newfold Digital. I learned a lot throughout the process and I hope that by writing down my experiences, I can reflect back on the journey and you can learn something as well.Newfold Digital, formerly Endurance International Group, is an IT services company specializing in web hosting. It is the world’s largest web hosting and domain registration company that was formed on February 10th, 2021 by merging Endurance International Group with by Clearlake Capital Group. They visited our campus on September 2nd and 3rd, 2021.

Before Registering:

  • Having a good resume is pretty important. Use a simple template and get it reviewed by your seniors or faculty. Make sure to highlight the details that make you stand out for the particular role you’re applying to.
  • The next important thing is preparing for the technical interview rounds. Having a good knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms will certainly be beneficial throughout the recruitment process.

After Registration:

  • We received the test link on the registered email Id directly from the company. The company offered two profiles – Software Engineering and Operational Engineering. I opted for the Software Engineering Profile.

Round 1: Online Test

  • The first round was conducted on Talview Platform; this round had 60 MCQs on Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Output-Based Questions, and a few questions on Linux (Concepts like forking, etc). Be careful while attempting the questions as it consists of negative marking.

Round 2: Coding Test

3 easy to medium level Questions

Time:90 mins

  1. String Minimization: Given a string of lowercase characters a, b and c and you had to minimize the string based on some conditions, something like you had to divide the string into two parts and append them such that if the same characters occur in Suffix and Prefix then you can remove them.
  2. Rearrange an Array: You are given an array of even lengths. You have to arrange the array in such a way that the left half of the array is the same as the right half of the array. If it is possible then you have to print YES else NO.
  3. String Mismatch: Given a string S of length N you can select any substring from the string S and reverse that string, such that the corresponding different characters in S and reverse(S) is considered as a mismatch, your task is to find the maximum number of mismatches when this operation is performed.

Round 3: Technical Interview 1

20 Students were selected for this round.

Questions Asked:

  1. Tell me something about Yourself.
  2. How do you find if your Java Program has a deadlock?
  3. How to resolve deadlock?
  4. How can deadlock occur in java?
  5. Types of Design Patterns you have used?
  6. Difference between factory design patterns and singleton design patterns?
  7. One implementation of Singleton Design Pattern.
  8. What are virtual functions in c++?
  9. What are templates in c++?
  10. Polymorphism, types of polymorphism, and examples.
  11. Does java support multiple inheritances?
  12. How does indexing in SQL works?
  13. Which front-end Technologies have you worked on?
  14. There were a few more questions on the topics Operating System, DBMS, CN.
  15. There are 196 Horses participating in a Derby. In a particular round, only 14 horses can participate. You have to find the top 5 horses. What is the minimum number of rounds needed?

Coding Questions:

  • String Manipulations
Input: I am Raghav 
Output: v ah gaRmaI 
  • Reverse the string but the positions of spaces should be the same.
  • Parentheses Matching Algorithm without using Stack.

Round 4: Technical Interview 2

10 Students were selected for this round.

Questions Asked:

  1. Tell me something about Yourself.
  2. Describe ACID Properties
  3. Difference between HashMap and HashSet.
  4. How will you find out the efficiency of an application?
  5. What is caching and types of caching?
  6. What is LRU Cache?
  7. What design patterns have you used and why?
  8. What is the MVC Design Pattern?
  9. Why would you choose MVC Design Pattern over others?
  10. How does DNS work?
  11. What are cookies and how are they implemented?
  12. A few more questions were asked on Operating Systems and DBMS.

Coding Questions:

  1. Design a data structure for LRU Cache.
  2. Parentheses Matching Algorithm (Yes they asked me the same question in both the rounds. xD)
  3. Longest Common Subsequence

Round 5: Telephonic Interview (HR)

3 students were selected for this round.

Questions Asked:

  1. Tell me something about Yourself.
  2. How was your previous Internship?
  3. How do you propose to Plan a day according to the tasks assigned to you?
  4. Do you have any issues with the job location?
  5. As you are already placed, why do you want to join our company?

Finally, they selected all the 3 of us.


  • Practice coding on LeetCode, Codechef, etc. Participate in different competitions like Codechef long challenge, CodeChef lunchtime so that you get habituated to the time-based coding environment. It is not necessary to get the syntax 100% correct during the technical rounds. The interviewer checks your strategy, logic, and your eagerness to come up with a solution.
  • Always try to answer confidently and do not be afraid to commit a few mistakes. Confidence always plays a major key in interviews. Be thorough with your strengths and if you don’t know a particular answer or concept, politely say that you don’t know about it but will certainly study it in the future.
  • Most importantly, think out loud. Keep discussing your solutions with the interviewer. Ask him/her about the corner cases and other constraints. The interviewer subtly gives a few hints and you’ll have to be extra careful to catch those hints and apply them in your solution. Don’t think of providing a very optimal solution at the starting itself, you may end up making your algorithm complex. Take a modular approach in solving the questions.
  • In the Managerial Round, ask your interviewer about how his team works and how to adapt to the company’s culture.
  • Be your own self in the interview. The interviewer will get to know if you’re faking it, so, it’s best to always be honest while replying to them.
  • Before sitting for the interview, read about the organization, the work they do, and their culture and values.
  • When given a chance, ask questions. This will show your interest in the company and will inherently show your urge to join.

Thanks for taking out time and reading my experience. I wish you all the very best in all your future endeavors. I hope this article helps you with your upcoming interviews. Thanks!