Newgen Interview Experience For Software Engineer (On-Campus)

When I was in the last year of college in 2021, Newgen Software visited our campus. Every round was held online due to COVID-19. There were four rounds held as follows:

Round 1:

It was an Aptitude round. If you have practised some basic questions from sites like Indiabix, then you can easily crack this one. This round aimed to eliminate maximum students as their cutoff was very high.

Round 2:

It was a psychometric test. Situational questions were presented, and you had to choose what you would do if you were in that position. This round was to check your decision-making skills and logical thinking. They didn’t eliminate anyone from this round.

Round 3:

It was a Technical Interview. Questions from Java were asked, including the difference between final and finally, exception handling, object-oriented programming concepts like polymorphism and their practical examples, and puzzles including measuring time with the help of ropes. Coding questions like reverse string and linked list, counting balanced parentheses, the difference between a stack and a queue, and database concepts like the difference between delete and truncate and join operations. If you sincerely prepare from GFG, then you can easily answer these questions.

Round 4:

It was an HR round. They asked about your strengths and weaknesses, whether you would be willing to relocate, what your expectations were, etc.

I got selected, but my letter was delayed because of COVID-19. The whole experience was nice.