Nihilent Limited Interview Experience for Trainee Software Engineer

My interview experience with Nihilent Limited consisted of two rounds of the interview process:

Technical Assessment:

The initial round of the interview was a technical assessment. It included a variety of questions covering C, databases, C++ object-oriented programming concepts, and aptitude questions. This round aimed to gauge my technical knowledge and problem-solving abilities. I found this round to be a comprehensive evaluation of my technical skills, and I was able to navigate through the questions confidently.

Online Technical Discussion:

The second round was an online technical discussion, which lasted approximately 45 minutes. In this round, I had the opportunity to interact with two interviewers who thoroughly assessed my technical abilities. The questions in this round delved deeper into my understanding of software engineering concepts. Some of the topics covered included:

  • Class and Object in OOP
  • Inheritance and their Types
  • Polymorphism
  • Method Overriding and Overloading
  • Interface and Abstraction
  • Exception Handling
  • A programming task involving string reversal
  • SQL Join operations
  • Stored Procedures in databases
  • Finding the third-highest salary in a database
  • Normalization in database design
    After one week of interview, I received a call from the HR department for confirmation.