NIT Trichy Campus Experience

I am extremely grateful that I graduated from NIT Trichy. NIT Trichy did not just help me grow professionally but it helped me grow phenomenally as a person. Till I joined NIT Trichy, I was this extremely timid shy boy who couldn’t talk to anyone or smile. I was always worried and underconfident about myself. I had not moved out of a two km radius of my house ever.

Three years of NIT Trichy changed me into this extremely bold independent go-getter who made lots of friends.

1. Hostel Life: Hostel life teaches you to manage yourself extremely well. Right from managing your day-to-day activities like washing clothes to ensuring you eat timely to managing your expenditure within the budget provided it is a great learning platform to become independent – I learnt independence and the ability to handle tough situations myself here.

2. Academics: The curriculum at NITT and the lab infrastructure might be very similar to any other campus in India. However, the professors treated us like their family members and in many courses learning was very interesting – I learnt my course and practical application of the same.

3. Seniors: There is a very strong mentoring culture by seniors to juniors. Back then we used to have this culture where your immediate senior from your state in your branch he or she will help you with all materials and any sort of guidance you need on campus. Further, the seniors train juniors for campus placement for a period of six months when instead they could have relaxed in their final year and this taught me the importance of mentoring and being there for juniors – I very strongly believe in mentoring and coaching and till date, I always voluntarily reach out to juniors wherever I am and mentor them.

4. Plethora of Opportunities: NIT Trichy offers a plethora of opportunities for one to develop – be it sports, culturals, literary activities, organizations of fests, competitions, paper presentations and what not. At the same time, you can also get completely wasted. It is completely in your hands on what you choose and how you do it. I took a bunch of leadership roles and social service activities, made a lot of friends, learnt to work in teams and at the same time gave something back to the society.

5. Friends for life: You meet variety of people, some good some bad. I was able to overcome all the tough situation caused by few jealous classmates due to great friends who are there for me till date. The friends I made at NITT are my best friends till date and they are always there for me no matter where they are and what they are doing. I learnt the art of managing / facing difficult people and earned great friends in the process.

6. Perspectives and Exposure: When I joined NITT, I had no clue what I wanted to do in life. I was shocked to see people who were clear on day 1 on what they want to do. The fact that you are with some of the best minds in the country will give you lot of perspectives and exposure and continuously kept me on my toes. I learnt that in order to grow it is important for one to be challenged always for which it is always important to be surrounded by bright and smart minds.

I owe a lot in my life to NITT and it is one of the best phases of my life without an iota of doubt and am sure it is the same for all NITTians.