NIT-Warangal Campus Experience

My first year of engineering began with an urge to do something different. It was full of adventures, thrill, excitement, fun. More than anything it was like a roller-coaster ride. My journey, though it seemed to be easy, it wasn’t as easy as I thought. Challenges kept on saying that you are bound to do something different. Harder situations made me stronger and increased my ability to work under pressure. A marvelous amount of unforgettable memories got created within a year.

After three months of vacation, Engineering life began. The first day of Engineering was fantastic, I was curious to meet new friends. My college started a month ahead of my other friends. I still remember my college Director Mr. Umesh Bhushi sir first talk on the first day. He attempted to instill confidence in every student. He made us more curious by giving us a glimpse of engineering life. Foundation course and Bridge course were the two bomb courses that we were introduced to. Foundation courses aimed at improving the fundamentals of each student. Whereas the bridge course aimed at making students curious about robotics.

The experience of the Bridge course and Foundation course was fantastic. We built various robots like Line Follower and RC robots in the Bridge course. Also, we introduced most of the tools of Engineering. Most of my friends were shocked to see our activities happening at Sahyadri. The bridge course was mainly focused on building the bonds between the students. On the final day of the Bridge course, we had a Robotics competition.

With full of energy and excitement, all the teams were ready for the Competition. Many struggled to complete their robots. The goal of each team was to give their best. I still remember the struggle of our team to complete the robot. Also, our robot which was working fantastically well didn’t even respond on the day of the final. We tried our level best and finally made the robot work. During the competition, there was a small short circuit in the robot because of which we got eliminated. The same thing happened with most of the other teams. But we enjoyed that day a lot.

Transformations happen now and then, and that also happened in my case. I saw many changes in me after the end of the two events. An urge to do something different increased in me. After this, I started grabbing every opportunity that came to me. I also started taking things positively. I started to keep myself busy. Also during this process, I got an opportunity to be a part of one of the in-house industries named DTlabz, which made me eager to do much more.

On August 1st most of the college began, during which we had an induction program. This course is aimed at making students ready for an engineering career. This aimed at building the soft skills of the students. Most of the events were good but were boring. During this time we were divided into different sections. Finally, college days started and we introduced ourselves to the common subjects. I was in the Physics cycle at the beginning. It was like the first innings of test match cricket. The physics cycle began in a slower phase. Almost for six months, we had a physics cycle. In the gap of six months, there was lots of progress in my Journey. I participated in two great events.

NIT-Warangal Technozion :-

NIT-Warangal hosted a fest name Technozion’18. I discussed this matter with a few of my friends and most of them agreed to join me to go to this event. We formed a team of 16 members and decided to be a part of this event. We started the preparation around 10 days before the event. We had too many works to do such as booking train tickets, planning a journey and working on a robot. We had so many works but we as a team decided to do it together. In this process, we had around three days of overnight work in our college. We had a great experience working in a team. With such hard work, we made our robot ready on the day we had to leave. We faced so many troubles but, we had created so many memories. We left the college three days ahead of the event on a train. The Journey part was the most awesome and memorable one. We had a train from Mangalore center to Ernakulum in the evening. We reached Ernakulum at around 3 am. We thought we will take rest for a while, but the mosquitoes spoiled our plan. Then we planned to roam around the railway station since our next train to reach Warangal was at 9 am. We roamed outside and finally decided to have our breakfast. While having our breakfast we met a great Scientist who was out there for a morning walk. His name was Mr. SKS Yadav. He gave us some tips which are to be followed in an Engineering career. He was highly skilled in mind-reading and read our mind within the fraction of seconds. It was a great time to spend with him. Then we finally returned to the railway station to catch our next train. We had a long journey of around 12hours on a train, during which we played many games like Antakshari. We pulled each other’s leg but enjoyed it a lot. The next day morning at around 8 we reach the Warangal railway station than with the help of auto we reached NIT-Warangal. On reaching there we got shocked seeing the facilities we had got. The hostel facilities were hopeless, but we had spent less time there. We visited many must-visit places in Warangal. Finally, in the evening we went back to the NIT-W hostel. The next day we had to get ready by Morning 6 since the event was to start at 7. Our event began at 7, we competed well and cleared the first level topping the points table and we qualified for the next level. The next level was a bit difficult but still, we tried our level best but our faith did not. our robot battery got drained very quick and due to which there was a short circuit internally. We lost the event because of faith but we did not lose any faith since we were the only youngest team from the first year. We gave our best and also we attracted the media since we were unique and youngsters.

After the event, we had to stay there till next day evening since we had our train the next day. We again spent time enjoying the fest of NIT-W. Finally next day we had to leave NIT-W and return to Sahyadri. We had a train from NIT-W to Chennai. We reached Chennai the next day morning at 5. We had our next train in the afternoon. We roamed around Madras and finally caught the train and returned to Sahyadri. Overall, the event was full of fun, excitement, and adventure, since no faculties nor parents accompanied us. Also, This was my first event after joining Sahyadri.

K-Tech Start-Up India, Karnataka Yatra Grand Finale :-

K-Tech innovation hub had taken an initiative to encourage the growth of Start-Up in India. They had organized the Bootcamp in every college. We also had an opportunity to pitch our idea in this event. We had a small idea regarding the start-up but still, I and my team planned to give an elevator pitch. I was the youngest of all present over there. The jury members liked my way of presenting. Our college was the last one to organize this Bootcamp. We had 22 teams from our college got selected for the final round, in which one team was of mine. We had to travel to Bangalore for the grand finale in two days.

The Journey part was again awesome. We had booked a bus for 44 members to travel to Bangalore in the night of December 17. We had this event for two days. We reached the 18th morning got ready and reached 10K NASSCOM, Bangalore. It was so fascinating to see 10K start-ups in one building. We had a one-day introductory session regarding the scope and advantages of having a Start-Up. On the second day of the event, we had another elevator pitch of our event where we had to pitch our idea in front of 3 eminent personalities. We again were the youngest team over there and we got the opportunity to visit most of the Start-Up. We got good exposure and also so many new connections. We also visited the Data Science industry over there. The event was marvelous. On 19th we had a bus to return to Sahyadri and we reached back on the 20th morning. This was my second event in my Engineering Life.

Events co-organized in First Year :-

The first semester was the longest, we had college for around 6 months. Though it was such a huge semester, I had got lots of Exposure and opportunity to rock. In this semester I had also been a part of organizing the team for events like SSTH-2018 and Sinchana.

SSTH-2k18 :-

SSTH was the event organized for Pre-University college and High school students. Bringing out the hidden talents from the young minds and providing them an idea about Engineering. During this event, I had got an opportunity to go to different Pu colleges for Promoting. I was a part of the Registration team for this event. We had lots of responsibilities for us. This event was for 3 days, wherein the first two days of the event were Be with Engineering program. During these two days, all the students who were part of this event had access to different industries of our college. The task I had to perform being a part of this team was hectic but got to learn lots of things. We had to work overnights for the completion of the works to complete our work. But the event went very smoothly and also of great success.

Sinchana-2k18 :-

Sinchana was a cultural fest of Sahyadri where every Sahyadrians had an opportunity to exhibit their talents. It had 5 main events. I took the responsibility of the Variety event. The entire event responsibility was on me and my friend Abhishek. We also handled it in a great way. We got an opportunity to interact with some great personalities from the film industry. We had also the huge task of allocating slots for the team and collecting the resources of their event. We handled in such a smooth way that no other event of Sinchana reached our level of execution. This event helps in improving my power of critical thinking.

Takeaways of First Semester :-

The first semester was full of action-packed with many events. I got the opportunity to be a part of four different events. These events filled confidence, leadership qualities, soft skills, and many other skills. The level of exposure I got in the first year was marvelous. Also, got an opportunity to work with many students, faculties and organization. I had many things from the first semester. Even I had spent less time in classes and more time working for the events.

KSHAMATA Camp Season-1 :-

Soon after the end of the first semester, I had an opportunity to be a part of three days camp at World Konkani Centre, Mangalore. The first camp was a SOTP camp which was focused on the overall development of the students. It was a great occasion for me. This camp also focused on the opening up of the Konkani students. Staying away from the house for 3 days and with my friends was great. I got to meet 40 new friends through this camp, which I believe are the true connections until the end of life. We also add an occasion to work in a team and were asked to perform a skit on the final day of the camp. Overall, the three days of camp was full of fun and excitement. The takeaway from the camp for me was incredible. I had 40 new friends from this camp. The activities in the camp improved my speaking skills and leadership skills and also increased my confidence level. After the camp, I started to keep myself busy with one or the other works. Also, World Konkani Centre connected me to a new mentor Mr. Royal Sequeira. Mr. Royal Sequeira is one of my mentor who has guided me in different ways. We were in touch with each other from the day he spoke in the camp. He has helped me a lot in improving my skills. The tasks he used to give was amazing and worth doing. We used to interact with each other in video calls for an hour weekly. An hour of the talk was mind-blowing and helped to travel on the right path. Being a part of the World Konkani Centre is a great part of my life.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”. Similarly, this is my journey of the first semester at Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management. Thank you guys for spending your valuable time here. I will be back with another Expriences soon, till then bye-bye.