Oracle Interview Experience (On-Campus at NIT Warangal) for freshers

About the company 

Oracle a multinational computer technology specializes primarily in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered system. The company also build tools for database development ERP software, CRM software and Supply Chain Management software. The company was founded in 1977, headquartered Redwood Shores, California.

Oracle was the second-largest software maker by revenue in 2015 after Microsoft.Also in the same year the company was awarded for its best CRM software in Channel Champs Awards.

About me:

I am perusing Mtech from NITW in the field Computer science and information security and my CGPA is 8.61.

Recruitment Process and Criteria :

In NITW, Oracle came to recruit students for the ‘Applications Development’ group.

the cut off for written test was 7 cgpa and the branches for which it was open was

MTech – CSE (All specialisations)
ECE (All specialisations)
EEE (All specialisations)

Oracle conducts 4-5 rounds to select freshers and each round was elimination round.

  • Online Test
  • Technical Interview Round 1
  • Technical Interview Round 2
  • Technical Interview Round 3
  • HR Round

Round 1: Online Test

It was an online test consisting of 90 MCQ’s to be done in 107 mins on Oracle platform and it had no negative marking. There were questions  belonging to different sections in this round which included:
Aptitude: Contained quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning.(Medium level)
Data Interpretation: Included analyzing the data depicted in form of bar chart.(easy level)
Contextual communication:Consisted of grammar correction, reordering of sentences, reading comprehension, vocabulary etc.(level of English is GOOD)
Data Structures based question: Most of the questions (except maybe 1-2) where based on trees basically concentrating on traversals(postorder, preorder, inorder). (easy)
Computer Science: Questions from OS, DBMS, C++ output with emphasis on declaration of variables question.
Around 60 students where shortlisted for further rounds. (easy)
PS- Questions were easy but the trick here is time management as we had to do 90 mcqs in 107 minutes so time management and accuracy is must.
So 300+ people gave 1st round only 67 were selected for interview.

Round 2: 1st Technical Interview

This was a face to face interview round. I was asked about my technical interests and in which field I would like to work in future and with which language i was most comfortable with.

then i was asked to give a quick introduction.

he began with asking me questions on java but i told him that i have been practicing on c++ for a while and  that i didn’t revise java concepts so he said okay, “we will keep the oops discussion confined to c++”.I was glad.

–> Then I was given 4 coding questions to solve:
1) Given a n*n matrix print the elements of the matrix in spiral form.
2) Reverse the linked list in pairs
3) Given a 1-d array print all the sub-arrays whose elements sum exceed a given value x.
4) stream of numbers are given to you as input figure out the average at any given point
–> I was also asked a puzzle which was :

This problem is also called Jelly Beans problem. This is the most commonly asked interview puzzle.3 misspelled jars problem. One jar contains Apple, another contains Oranges and the third jar contains a mixture of both Apple and Oranges.You are allowed to pick as many fruits as you want from each jar to fix the labels on the jars. What is the minimum number of fruits that you have to pick and from which jars to correctly label them?

–> Two oops related questions that were asked where :
  • difference between java and c++
  • difference between class and object and whats the significance of both
The interview lasted for about 45 mins. I could answer all the questions and hence made it to next round of interview.
among 67 people of 35 were selected for next round

Round 3: 2nd Technical Interview

second round was focused majorly on coding. The questions were of medium-hard level. The interiew kept giving me questions one by one and was applying time constraints with every question. Questions were these :

  •  Write a function to generate all possible n pairs of balanced parentheses.(backtracking)
  • Count all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a mXn matrix.(Dynamic programming)

  • reverse a string (first with normal loop, then using stack, then with recursion). in this question he wanted to see how you will use different techniques efficiently.
  • make a string palindromic by inserting minimum number of characters in from of the string (i did this using KMP algo)

Then he asked me some oops question like explain abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, whast the role of virtual keyword, how to make class abstract in c++, java etc.

The interview lasted for about  1hr and again I could answer all the questions and hence made it to next round of interview.

After this round out of 35, 20 people were selected and proceeded to 3rd round of interview

Round 4: 3rd Technical Interview

In this round the majorly grilled me over my projects and the discussion went from machine laerning to cloud computing to how google search engine work. My this interview last for 1.5 hours

PS- you should really be through with  your projects (both college and internship) and should be aware about new technologies that can make your project better and what technologies you used and whats the drawbrack of your projects in general.

after this round 15 people went for HR

Round 4: HR round

My HR round was very interesting and it was just a normal intellectual conversation between 2 adults.questions were like

  • Tell me about your interests other than academics?
  • why mtech?
  • tell me about your family.
  • tell me the person who inspired you the most and why?
  • (since i mentioned that i was an avid reader) tell me your favorite  book and why ?

After this out of 15, 12 people were finally selected and among those 12 people i was the only one from Mtech background other 11 were from btech background.

PS- During the whole interview process, one should keep his/her calm and make sure than you think through before answering any question also if you dont know any technology or are not sure about some answer, you should not answer it and directly tell the interviewer that you dont know that rather than faking the answer. REMEMBER – be Confident not over Confident.