Node.js 21 is here: What’s new

Node.js continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and Node.js 21 is a testament to this commitment. This release offers a variety of improvements catering to developers of all levels. From the long-awaited stabilisation of the Fetch API to the introduction of a built-in WebSocket client, Node.js 21 empowers developers to build efficient, scalable, and real-time applications with greater ease.

In short

  • Node.js 21, the latest release of the popular JavaScript runtime, introduces several new features and improvements.
  • The key updates include an updated V8 engine, the stabilisation of Fetch and WebStreams, and a built-in WebSocket client.
  • These enhancements aim to improve performance, increase efficiency, and introduce new functionalities.

What is Node.js 21?

Node.js 21 is the newest update to the popular JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications. Released in October 2023, it boasts a range of developer-friendly features. Highlights include a stable Fetch API for simpler HTTP requests, a built-in WebSocket client for real-time communication, and improved support for modern JavaScript modules. This update empowers developers to create efficient and scalable applications.

What’s New in Node.js 21?

Here are some key highlights:

  • Simplified HTTP Requests: The Fetch API and WebStreams are now stable, offering a cleaner and more efficient way to handle HTTP requests compared to the older XHR method.
  • Built-in WebSocket Client: Say goodbye to third-party libraries! Node.js 21 includes a built-in WebSocket client, streamlining real-time communication within your applications.
  • Smoother Module Usage: Enjoy better support for ECMAScript Modules (ESMs), making dependency management and working with modern JavaScript structures easier.
  • Early Access to WebSocket Features: Experiment with the future! Node.js 21 offers an experimental WebSocket API for developers who want to explore cutting-edge functionalities.
  • Performance Boost: The upgraded V8 JavaScript engine delivers performance improvements, potentially leading to faster application execution and a more responsive user experience.
  • Enhanced Testing: The built-in testing runner gets a refresh, making writing, running, and debugging tests more efficient for developers.
  • Modern Package Management: Node.js 21 integrates with npm 10.2, ensuring you have access to the latest features and bug fixes for managing dependencies in your projects.

V8 Engine Impact on Node.js 21

Node.js 21 packs a punch under the hood thanks to the updated V8 JavaScript engine. Here’s how it impacts your development experience:

  1. Performance Enhancements: The V8 engine upgrade brings optimisations and improvements that can translate to faster code execution in your Node.js applications. This can lead to quicker application startup times, smoother user interactions, and potentially handle heavier workloads more efficiently.
  2. Efficiency Gains: The V8 engine is constantly evolving to be more efficient in terms of memory management and resource allocation. This can benefit your applications by reducing memory usage and potentially freeing up system resources for other tasks.
  3. Modern JavaScript Feature Support: The updated V8 engine in Node.js 21 ensures compatibility with the latest ECMAScript features. This allows you to leverage new language constructs and functionalities in your code, potentially leading to cleaner, more concise, and performant applications.
  4. Stability and Bug Fixes: New V8 engine versions typically come with bug fixes and stability improvements. This translates to a more reliable development experience, reducing the chances of encountering unexpected issues related to the JavaScript engine itself.

The upgraded V8 engine in Node.js 21 provides a solid foundation for building performant, efficient, and future-proof JavaScript applications.

What’s the Deal with the Stable Fetch API and WebStreams?

Node.js 21 marks a significant milestone with the stabilisation of the Fetch API and WebStreams. This means developers can now confidently leverage these features in production environments. The Fetch API provides a modern, promise-based approach to making HTTP requests, simplifying the process compared to the older XMLHttpRequest (XHR) method. WebStreams, on the other hand, enable developers to handle data streams more efficiently, particularly beneficial for large data transfers.

How Does Built-in WebSocket Client Make a Difference?

Real-time communication is a cornerstone of many modern applications. Previously, developers relied on third-party libraries to establish WebSocket connections. Node.js 21 introduces a built-in WebSocket client, eliminating the need for external dependencies. This simplifies development, improves code readability, and potentially streamlines the WebSocket integration process.

ECMAScript Module (ESM) Support Benefits for Developers

Node.js 21 brings significant improvements to ECMAScript Module (ESM) support, making it a more attractive choice for developers. Here’s how ESM benefits developers:

1. Enhanced Structure and Organisation:

ESMs promote better code organisation by providing a clear separation of concerns within each module file. This improves code readability, maintainability, and reusability, especially in larger projects.

2. Static Analysis and Tree Shaking:

Node.js 21’s improved ESM support allows for better static analysis of your code. This means tools can understand the relationships between modules and identify unused exports. This paves the way for a technique called “tree shaking,” where unused code from modules is eliminated during the bundling process. This results in smaller bundle sizes, leading to faster application loading times.

3. Improved Developer Experience:

Modern bundlers and development tools leverage ESM’s syntax for features like autocompletion and code navigation within your IDE. This streamlines the development process by providing better context and reducing the need for manual code inspection.

4. Standardisation and Future-Proofing:

ESMs are the official module format specified in the ECMAScript standard. This ensures broader compatibility across different JavaScript environments and reduces the need for framework-specific module systems. By embracing ESMs, you’re future-proofing your codebase for seamless integration with evolving JavaScript technologies.

5. Consistency with Frontend Code:

Many modern web frameworks utilise ESMs for front-end simplify development. Improved ESM support in Node.js 21 allows for a more consistent development experience where the same module syntax can be used for both backend and frontend code. This reduces the learning curve and simplifies the development workflow.

6. Dependency Management:

ESMs offer a more explicit way to declare dependencies compared to CommonJS modules. This can lead to clearer dependency trees and potentially simplify resolving dependency conflicts during development.

From improved code organisation and static analysis to a more streamlined development experience and future-proof codebase, ESMs are a powerful tool for building modern and efficient JavaScript applications.

V8 JavaScript Engine Impact on Performance

Node.js heavily relies on the V8 JavaScript engine for efficient code execution. Node.js 21 incorporates the latest iteration of V8, bringing performance improvements and optimisations. This can translate to faster application execution times, enhanced responsiveness, and a smoother user experience.

How Do Testing Runner Improvements Help Developers?

Testing is a crucial aspect of building robust applications. Node.js 21 introduces enhancements to the built-in testing runner, making it easier for developers to write, execute, and debug tests. These improvements may include better reporting functionalities, streamlined test discovery, and potentially faster test execution times.

Important of npm 10.2 Integration

Node.js and npm, the package manager for Node.js modules, work hand-in-hand. Node.js 21 integrates with npm 10.2, offering developers access to the latest features and bug fixes within the package management system. This ensures developers have a smooth and efficient process for managing dependencies within their Node.js projects.


Node.js 21 delivers a compelling set of features that empower developers to create next-generation applications. From streamlined HTTP requests and real-time communication capabilities to improved module management and testing tools, Node.js 21 offers a holistic development experience. This release signifies the continuous dedication of the Node.js community towards providing a powerful and versatile platform for JavaScript developers.

Frequently Asked Questions – Node.js 21

What’s new in Node.js 21?

Node.js 21 brings a bunch of improvements including stable Fetch API, built-in WebSocket client, better ECMAScript module support, and more!

What is the difference between Node.js 20 and 21?

Node.js 21 offers stable features like Fetch API and WebStreams, a built-in WebSocket client, improved ESM support, and an upgraded V8 engine compared to Node.js 20.

Which version of Node JS is best?

The best Node.js version depends on your needs. If you need the latest features and bug fixes, Node.js 21 is ideal. For long-term stability, consider LTS (Long-Term Support) versions like Node.js 18.

What is the npm version for Node 21?

Node.js 21 comes integrated with npm 10.2.

Which is faster NodeJS or Java?

It depends! Node.js typically shines in I/O bound operations, while Java can be faster for CPU intensive tasks. The “better” choice depends on your application’s needs.