Node.js urlSearchParams.toString() Method

The urlSearchParams.toString() method is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URLSearchParams within url module which is used to get the object of uri search params object as a string.


const urlSearchParams.toString()

Parameter: This method does not accept any parameter.
Return value: This method returns the object of uri search params object as a string.
Below programs illustrates the use of urlSearchParams.toString() method in Node.js:
Example 1: Filename app.js  


// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// URLSearchParams.toString() method
// Importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// Creating and initializing
// URLSearchParams object
const params = new URLSearchParams();
// Appending value in the object
params.append('A', 'Book');
params.append('B', 'Pen');
params.append('A', 'Pencil');
// Getting string representation
// by using toString() api
const value = params.toString();
// Display the result
console.log("String representation"
      + " of object : " + value);

Run app.js file using the following command:  

node app.js


String representation of object : A=Book&B=Pen&A=Pencil

Example 2: 
Filename app.js  


// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// URLSearchParams.toString() method
// Importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// Creating and initializing
// URLSearchParams object
const params = new URLSearchParams();
// Appending value in the object
params.append('Beginner', 'code');
params.append('for', 'eat');
params.append('Beginner', 'sleep');
// Getting string representation
// by using toString() api
const value = params.toString();
// Display the result
console.log("String representation"
      + " of object : " + value);

Run app.js file using the following command:  

node app.js


String representation of object : Beginner=code&for=eat&Beginner=sleep
