OmniFocus vs Todoist Comparison – Which Productivity App is the Best in 2024?

Nowadays, people don’t really understand the value of being productive, so, they cannot manage their time properly to do things. But some of those who are productive and try managing to-do lists might get exhausted from making handwritten to-do lists, for this sake, many productivity apps are being used. Productivity apps act like digital organizers and also help in various ways like writing, organizing, and reprioritizing tasks, noticing as well as improving their habits, and so on.

People should engage themselves in such apps rather than just scrolling over the Internet. In this article, we are going to compare two productivity apps OmniFocus vs Todoist.

OmniFocus vs Todoist Comparison – Which Productivity App is the Best in 2024?

  • What is OmniFocus?
  • OmniFocus Features
  • OmniFocus Tool Pricing
  • What is Todoist?
  • Todoist Features
  • Todoist Tool Pricing
  • Comparison Chart: OmniFocus vs Todoist 
  • OmniFocus vs Todoist: Which One is Best Productivity App?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – OmniFocus vs Todoist Comparison: Best Productivity App

What is OmniFocus?

OmniFocus is one of the most used productivity apps. It also serves the users as the most powerful task-managing app for people who find it difficult to manage their tasks in their daily routine and are busy.

This app lets it’s users to capture their habits, track them and getting their work done, so that we don’t get exhausted at the end of the day while getting all the important work done. OmniFocus helps to achieve our goals by letting us break them into small ones and then working on them making it our schedule. This productivity app lets it’s users reduce the stress and let it’s users have control over their subconscious mind, helping them to set their future self to develop and get success.

This is available in many languages like English, Japanese, German, French, Dutch and many more. 

Link to Omnigroup: 

OmniFocus Features

OmniFocus has proved to be really useful for the users. Following are the features of OmniFocus that makes it worth it to use:

  • It allows the users to sync the same account in one or more devices, letting us keep data same over devices.
  • We can add the actions that we want to do instantly with only minimal efforts from anywhere.
  • We can organise the work to do in the projects section, and also organise our various projects into one folder.
  • It lets us create tags for various purposes like saving locations, for prioritising energy levels, persons etc.
  • We can add our tasks to be done or the actions as save them as flag, that remind us that they are to be done asap.

OmniFocus Tool Pricing

  • OmniFocus doesn’t provides free plan.
  • $19.99 – For iPhone 
  • $39.99 – For iPad
  • $79.99 – For Mac

It doesn’t offers a free plan for its users and the pricing starts from $19.99 per month (phone) , then it has other two plans – $39.99 per month for iPads and $79.99 for Mac. It is also available on the web, which has its plan $4.99 per month.

What is Todoist?

Todoist is one of the best ways to take help from if anyone is looking to increase their productivity and manage their overall tasks. It can be used to organise your important works to be done just like OmniFocus. It can be used to do works of schools, colleges, personal routines etc.

Using this productivity app , users can create tasks adding dates, subdates, setting their preferences and even add labels to them. We can share our tasks we others too, if we wish to collaborate or want a advice from someone about something. It is available on platforms like iOS, MacOS, Windows, Android, and even web as well. 

It has many key features that make it unique, making it attract many users to it. It can work with Gmail and Outlook as well. 

Link to Todoist:

Todoist Features

Todoist is one of the best apps that integrates as no other productivity app or task management system. It avails many features, some of them are listed below:

  • It is available on all the platforms that are in trend and used my the people mostly.
  • Todoist offers a clean as well as user friendly interface , so users can quickly create and navigate various tasks.
  • It offers it’s users to add labels, priorities, dates, subdates, retask and much more features that makes it worth it to use.
  • It has many eye catching, attractive templates.
  • We can add shortcuts to it and use it anywhere, anyway we wish to do.

Todoist Tool Pricing

  • Beginners – Free
  • $4 per month – Pro
  • $6 per month – Buisness

Todoist offers free plan to it’s users. The pricing starts from $4 per month for the professionals and for the enterprises and buisnesses there’s another plan of $6 per month. Plans offered by Todoist are much affordable.

Comparison Chart: OmniFocus vs Todoist

Since we have discussed about OmniFocus and Todoist, which offers same motives for the users who want to be productive and manage their work according to their preferences, you may be confused which one is better, or which one is suitable for you. So, for your sake, given below is the comparison chart for OmniFocus vs Todoist:




It is mainly designed to add users thoughts and let them manage the way they want their tasks to be. 

It is mainly a web based app that helps to boost productivity, helping in buisnesses and tracking habits.

Supported platforms 

It is available as web based application or in iPhone apps only.

It is supported by Android, iOS, MacOS, web .

Main users 

It is used by the freelancers, small sized buisnesses, mid buisnesses and even for personal uses.

It is used by freelancers, small sized Little, mid buisnesses, personally and in addition by large enterprises as well.


It doesn’t support free plan, and the minimal plan starts from $9.99 per month.

It supports free plan and minimal plan starts from $4 per month.

Customer care 

Customer service are based on phone calls, online and video tutorials.

Customer services are available as video tutorials and online only.


  • It helps to stay organised and consistent.
  • It offers the plan that is only one time purchase.
  • The customer service is great.
  • It allows to have access over multiple devices and is really great platform.
  • It lets users maximize their potential and manage their time.
  • It lets to track your daily habits.


  • It has full Apple ecosystem, making it difficult for Android users to use on web.
  • The functions are limited only.
  • We cannot retrieve our done tasks.
  • It lags sometimes in between.

OmniFocus vs Todoist: Which One is Best Productivity App?

Everyone has their own likings and dislikings, but according to the features and, pros and cons that are being offered to the users by company we can definitely judge which one is best out of OmniFocus vs Todoist productivity apps. 

OmniFocus offers us the time limit according to the tasks or projects added over the app and motivates us to do it as soon as possible, whereas Todoist let’s us add the tasks over the calendar manually and go through the tasks. It reminds us as well about the tasks to be done. 

  • Both provides user friendly interfaces but, Todoist has comparatively much easy to use interface than OmniFocus. 
  • OmniFocus offers a high rate of price for the purchasing the plans offeres by the company and doesn’t even provides a free plan. Todoist whereas offers free plan to the beginners as well as serves low rate of price in reference to OmniFocus.
  • OmniFocus is mainly only for the iOS users and doesn’t provides its services to Mac, Android etc. platforms like Todoist.

If we talk about the customer care services , both have equally responsive ones but Todoist doesn’t have a service that uses phone calls. Todoist offers a way more number of templates to the users as compared to the OmniFocus and the ones which are more attractive and eye catching. 

Both are being used and appreciated but overall Todoist is the best app for starting the productivity journey as compared to OmniFocus as it offers free plan, huge features, helpful video tutorials, and moreover it’s available in all the platforms that are used. 


Today we have a lot of apps that offers various features but have same or similar motives, like , huge amount of productivity apps, playing games, calenders, bullet journals etc., which makes them compete with each other and even difficult for us to decide which one is better over another. 

For OmniFocus vs Todoist, some might find OmniFocus better than Todoist, some may find Todoist better or some may find both equal. For the one’s who often face such problem, they should always see their needs, features they want, their own budget, and personal opinions as they want what suites them best for themselves.

FAQs – OmniFocus vs Todoist Comparison: Best Productivity App

Is OmniFocus better than Todoist as a productivity app?

Both are great apps at there own place, but OmniFocus is only available for iOS users and doesn’t offers free plan.

Is there any better productivity app then Todoist?

Till now, according to people’s reviews nothing is liked more than Todoist, but one trello is it’s best alternative.

Why OmniFocus is better than Todoist?

OmniFocus is better than Todoist, it provides much more easy , user friendly interface, good customer care as compared and even lets us review our projects.

Is Todoist the best productivity app?

Todoist is the time and work management app that has many great features as compared to other productivity apps, that makes it best productivity apps till now.