10 Best Todoist Features to Help You Organize Your Life

When you have the to-do list, you can have the list of tasks in one place. Once you finish a task or activity, you can strike this off from your list. This way, you always remember to do important things. There are many simple tourist apps available. These help you keep everything how to organize your life. Millions of people love to have such apps on their mobile phones to prepare their to-do lists daily and ensure all are completed on a specific day without procrastination.

This article discussed the top 10 Todoist Features you should look for in the how to organize your life to boost productivity. By the end of this article, you will learn how these features are helpful to you.

10 Best Todoist Features to Help You Organize Your Life

The following are the top 10 Todoist Features:

  • Add a Structure Containing Sections and Subprojects
  • Create Project Templates to Duplicate Todoists
  • Highlight using Rich Text Formatting
  • Increase the Label Usage
  • Turn On the Vacation Mode to Take Breaks
  • Add Website Links and Articles to the Task List
  • Create Custom Filters
  • Get Acquainted yourself with Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Copy and Paste Multiple Lines of Text to Add Various Tasks
  • Add Tasks Using Voice Commands

1. Add a Structure Containing Sections and Subprojects

Todoist is beyond the checklist. You can create a project in this app and add subprojects and sections to each subproject. It is easy to create a subproject. All you have to do is create a project and drag it under the main project to make it a subproject of the main project.

You can organize your life into categories or subprojects, including car, health, self-care, and reading lists. Every subproject comes with sections you can see on the Kanban board. The reading list is divided into reading, reading, and books you have finished.

Everyone has the preference to how to organize your life structure projects by client or task type. Many prefer to create separate projects to differentiate between to-dos and work-related tasks. People like to combine both work and personal tasks to get a view of everyday tasks. It helps you to save time and energy.

For instance, you can structure the project in the following way using one of the Todoist features:

  • Shopping: You can add shopping to the list and share this with your spouse.
  • Action: You can prioritize the tasks to be done in the morning, afternoon, and evening. You can list the high-priority tasks in the morning since the energy levels will be high.
  • Waiting: You can list down the tasks you want others to do and keep them updated.
  • Later: You can also put down the low-priority tasks in the app without forgetting them.

2. Create Project Templates to Duplicate Todoists

You can create the template for the tasks you often do so that you can use this template without having to make them every time. The project templates come in handy when doing recurring tasks. For instance, you can prepare a checklist when onboarding a new client. You can devise a template for the activities whenever a new client comes.

You can export the prepared how to organize your life checklist to CSV, and whenever a new client comes in, you can import a template with a list of to-dos. This ensures that every client receives the same attention as others. CSVs are an ideal way to back up or share files with others. You must keep an active todoist with you and duplicate this for new projects.

3. Highlight using Rich Text Formatting

The Todist app will support rich text formatting, where you can use bold, italicize, hyperlink, or add emojis. You can add emojis to the project titles and put the tasks in bold so they can be finished quickly. It becomes easy for you to paste the link to the to-do list. Though the formatting options seem negligible, they add much value to organizing the tasks.

4. Increase the Label Usage

If you want to add a label to the to-do list, the best way is to start with @. It suggests you use the labels that have already been created to tag your checklists. It is an ideal way to keep projects organized. If you are not organizing the projects by clients, then using the label will help you find the task or deliverable related to the client.

You can use this for professional or personal purposes. You can also give a tag as urgent or immediate for tasks that need immediate attention and tag tasks that can wait.

5. Turn On the Vacation Mode to Take Breaks

If you want to get disconnected from the daily grind and go on a vacation, adding productive work to the to-do list during this time will be stressful. It is where you can use the vacation mode feature available in the app.

You can use this to preserve your progress so far without compromising on your personal time off. You can use this option to relax on weekends. Before the break, you can navigate to the productivity option to activate the vacation mode.

6. Add Website Links and Articles to the Task List

No one wants the to-do list to go haywire or go waste. You should integrate this app with Gmail. It will auto-populate the tasks to be done. It also becomes easy to forward emails to the to-do projects using the unique email address. It allows you to turn the email into a task without having to go out of the email.

If you find an interesting article you want to go through later, you can use the app’s browser extension to capture the digital nuggets into tasks. It is perfect to add to the reading list or for research articles. You can also save time finding the best and most exciting articles later.

Use the browser extension to add articles, tasks, and documents. It saves a lot of your valuable time and effort. Using all the todoist features makes organizing emails, articles, and websites in the app accessible. It keeps the inbox clutter-free and lets you access all tasks from one place.

7. Create Custom Filters

If you want custom filters to be created to filter the projects or tasks by the given filter name, you can do this with the Todoist app with one of its 10 best todoist features to organize your life. It is easy to build queries or make use of filter assist features. It becomes easy for you to create custom filters based on energy level. You can give a tag for each task based on how much energy you spend. For instance, you can add tags like morning energy for tasks to be finished in the morning to afternoon chill tags for low-energy tasks.

You can also create filters to find out the pending tasks in a week or for the next 30 days. This way, you can view the tasks that are pending to be done in the week using filters.

8. Get Acquainted yourself with Keyboard Shortcuts

It is one of the powerful Todoist features. The less time you spend with the mouse, the more energy you can save doing things. You must familiarize yourself with some shortcut keys to access various options on the app. The shortcut keys let you use the app efficiently.

For instance, Q will help you quickly add a task, while the F key will help you search for the task you want. You can use # to get the list of projects and assign the task you created to a specific project. You can use @ to add a label and ! to add a reminder. You can type p1 to get the tasks of high priority, whereas type p4 to get the tasks of low priority.

9. Copy and Paste Multiple Lines of Text to Add Various Tasks

When you have completed the brainstorming session with your team, your notepad will be brimming with many action items. You do not have to enter each action item into the paint manually; instead, highlight the list, copy it, and paste it directly to the to-do list.

The best thing is that every line of text you copied will automatically be converted to a separate task. You can assign tasks to the projects and set deadlines. You can also assign priorities and labels to each of the functions.

10. Add Tasks Using Voice Commands

The best thing about this app is the voice commands feature that allows you to use the voice commands to add them as a task instead of doing it manually. You can use voice commands with Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistants. You can also ask the app to show the list of tasks on a particular day. It is one of the powerful todoist features.


You can take advantage of all the todoist features available in the todoist apps to prioritize the tasks you must do on a day. It allows you to organize the tasks into projects. Therefore, using this app, you can spend less time planning and more time executing tasks. It helps you be productive always and take advantage of essential things to be completed.

Using this makes you feel productive, especially when you check out all the tasks you are doing every day. Once the list is prepared, you do not have to remember anything. You can check the list and strike off the ones that are done. There are many such apps; you can find the one that works well for you.

Best Todoist Features to Help You Organize Your Life – FAQs

Why should I use Todoist?

Todoist features will allow you to manage day-to-day tasks seamlessly across different platforms. It comes with add-ons like integration with EverNote and DropBox. Natural language support will enable you to schedule tasks and projects efficiently.

What app do I use to organize my day-to-day activities?

You can use the task manager in the to-do list app to plan what you want to perform tomorrow or next week to organize everything. You can plan your days and weeks properly without wasting time.

What is known as the 1 3 5 rule in Todoist?

It is only possible for a person to do some of the daily tasks. They should reasonably plan what is doable on a particular day: minimum, medium tasks, one big task, or five smaller tasks.

Which app is better, Todoist or Asana?

Todoist is the favorite app for many people who want to manage tasks, while Asana is suitable for project management. The tools will target different sets of audiences. Todoist will boost people’s productivity, while Asana works best for bigger teams.

The best thing about Todoist is that it supports integration with various apps; you can add the tasks you have prepared in this app to your calendar. This way, you can prioritize and divide the tasks into different categories.