OneFin Interview Experience for (SDE-1) Backend

OneFin Bangalore Interview Experience 2022 for SDE-1 
Difficulty Level: (Moderate)


Education: (Tier 3) (Bachelor’s in CS branch) (Pvt College )
Years of Experience: 14 months working as a Software Developer in a Service-based Company.
Coding Experience: Started in my final year in the not-poor environment of college.

Got an opportunity from GFG Job-A-Thon.

After getting ranked in GFG Job-A-Thon, I received 2 interview calls and one of them was OneFin.

First Round: Technical Round which consists of basic python questions along with some moderate coding questions taken by the Senior Software Developer.

Second Round: This was an assignment where I need to develop a Django Application and the time provided by the team was 3 working days.
I, fortunately, cleared that round too.

Third Round: This was a pure DSA round which was taken by the CTO of the company. 3 Questions he asked in1 hrs.

  1. Rope Cutting problem 
  2. Sum of diagonal element of the given matrix
  3.  Based on binary search 

Fourth Round:  COO round which was the managerial round.

The final Round was the CEO round which was the Cultural Fit round.

Verdict: Selected