Oracle Interview Experience

First Round(Online Test)

It comprised 22 questions out of which two were coding questions and 10 were English Grammar and Passage questions and 10 were logical reasoning. The coding questions were of moderate difficulty and can be solved if you have some problem-solving experience. I would suggest starting giving Codeforces and Codechef contests early to inculcate that habit of solving problems in a given time. Logical reasoning and the English part were a bit easy.

73 students cleared the first round and were called for an interview.

Second Round(Technical Interview) approx 1 hr 20 min

The interviewer started by asking about my introduction and what are my strong points, then he moved to DSA questions he gave me three DSA questions

  1. Find the number of pairs in an array that have a sum equal to K
  2. Find the length of the linked list(he wanted to discuss how to do this in less than n iterations and wanted to check my thought process)
  3. Print Z pattern in a matrix of n*n

He then asked me to write a SQL query that requires a natural join, and he then wanted me to write the same query without a natural join. He then asked for some basic fundamentals like all the principles of oops and wanted me to show him using Java code. They then asked me dbms questions. Discussed my projects and wanted to know why I made them and if I could learn a new tech stack.

Third Round(Technical Interview) approx 45 min

He again started with my introduction and wanted to know my strong points. We then discussed my projects for 30 min. He wanted to know which SDLC I used and why and what are the different design patterns and drawbacks of each. He then moved to a DSA question he asked me just one question

He then asked about Operating systems and DBMS some basic questions. He asked me to explain BFS and DFS. He asked which operating system I had experience with.

Fourth Round(HR Interview) approx 45 min

Started with an introduction and wanted me to speak about myself for about 5 mins and tell him things that were not in my resume. He then asked me where do you see yourself in 5 years down the line. If I have any plans for further education, how do you see the market in 5 years? He asked me about my biggest achievement and biggest fears. Asked about my projects

After 4 rounds I was told I was done for the day and results would be announced shortly

Result– Selected