Oracle Interview Experience for MTS


There was only 1 round for the oracle MTS position. There were two interviewers. Both of them introduced themselves and asked me to tell them about myself.

I introduced myself and gave them a brief idea about my thesis work, projects I’ve done so far, etc. Most of my projects are ML-oriented; they ask some basic questions; one of the projects they were interested in is on the security domain. They asked about CSRF, SQL injection, Wireshark, packet filtering, etc. I told all the things except CSRF. I tried to explain CSRF but could not do that completely.

Then, they came to the DSA part.

  1. You have given a binary matrix, 1 represents land, 0 illustrates water. The task is to find the number of islands present in the binary matrix. An island can be eight directionally connected. I need to write the complete code, and on a dummy input, I need to run on the Hackerrank platform.
  2. Write a SQL query to find the 2nd maximum salary of the employee. I wrote without limit and offset and then, by using group by, limit and offset.

Some of the other questions related to my Thesis: tech used in front-end and back-end. The number of lines of code that I’ve written so far in the Thesis, the routes and other things that I’ve created, etc. Asked me about my skills, languages, etc. Some of the concepts related to object oriented programming like polymorphism, virtual functions, diamond problem(multiple inheritance), how to resolve diamond problem, some of the basics of OS like virtual memory, page fault, semaphores, synchronization etc.

I asked about the kind of work given to a fresher in the end. Overall, it was a pleasant experience with the interviewers. We thanked each other and ended the call.

Verdict: Selected.