Overview of Latent Defects

Software products/services are developed and tested well before release to remove all defects in the product and deliver a smoother experience to the user. Still after release, there exist some hidden defects that are not normally identified but are identifiable when some set of operations are performed which is called latent defects. In this article, we will discuss the latent defects, signs of latent defects, and finally solutions to latent defects. So let’s start exploring the topic.

Latent Defects :
Latent defects is a popular term in the dictionary of software testing which are hidden undetected flaws in software that can’t be identified by any user until some special set of operations are performed. These flaws can be detected only when a specific task is performed in unusual circumstances. 

  • In lateral defect, the time limit can extend up to six years from the date of identification of the cause of action being raised.
  • It’s an unusual defect found during software which is an error that hasn’t occurred yet. Mainly a systematic flaw that accompanies software during the the ongoing production process and even passes the initial testing including pre-production and extended use.
  • A latent defect is one of those that remains after the production of the product.
  • These days software testing processes and advanced technology have been created that erase out the defects but the unforeseen defects remain undercover.
  • So, the software testers should apply and understand appropriate test cases to pinpoint the defects.

Signs of latent defect :
As we discussed earlier there are various defects in software which makes it significant for the team to verify and classify latent defects from other ones. Therefore, while testing these signs are needed to be kept in mind.  

  • Production of the product is prioritized.
  • Succeeds all types of tests
  • It happens in triggered scenarios
  • After the release of the main products it is identified by the user
  • Applies appropriate test cases to pinpoint the defects.

Solving latent defect :

  1. It’s quite challenging to identify yet impossible to achieve through.
  2. Inspection: Users are kept on a constant check after the product is deployed so that it helps in resolving the defects as well as identifying them.
  3. Exhaustive testing: Even if it’s difficult to perform exhaustive testing testers need to ensure all scenarios are tested once so that there is a reduction of possibilities of hidden latent defects.

Some key points are also discussed below :  

  • It can create major problems in the future if ignored.
  • Causes data corruption and misreporting.
  • Can exist in the system for one or more versions.

Finally, these latent defects are one of the important hidden defects that affect the functionality over the period. So, it should be on priority to identify these types of hidden defects and resolve them before delivery.