Type of Defects found in DMP

Defect Management Process (DMP) is basically defined as a process where the identification and resolution of defects take place. In Defect Management Process (DMP), different types of defects are identified by testers. At different stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), different defects might occur. Identification of defects at an early stage is very much essential. It helps and supports in the improvement of DMP, reduces cost expenses, and minimizes no defects in the system. 

Type of Defects:

  1. Defects caused due to Human Beings:
    1. Lack of knowledge is one of the main causes of defects. Knowledge regarding products or applications is very much required for a better understanding of their usage. Therefore, one should learn about applicability before its usage.
    2. Some people tend to ignore things that are essential which might result in defects. Therefore, each and everything should be considered with full focus.
    3. Lack of information regarding the process is also a major cause of defects. One should have full detailed information regarding the process of the system.
  2. Defects caused due to Translation:
    1. A better understanding of requirements is very much essential nowadays. Development team should have proper communication with customers, clients, end-users, etc. to understand requirements carefully. Miscommunication is one of the major causes of defects.
    2. Software development results should match requirements i.e. it should meet the requirements of customers or clients. If the built product does not match with requirements, then it is of no use.
    3. Software requirements should match the test case. If there is any mismatch then it might cause the defect. Therefore, it is essential to first check and analyze requirements completely and then take decisions.
  3. Defect caused due to Design and Coding:
    1. Some of the data are integrated with consistency and accuracy in SDLC. But if someone makes changes in data, then a defect might be caused.
    2. Some of the data are correctly stored in Database. But if someone makes a slight mistake while changing or altering data, then there might of a chance of a defect occurrence.
    3. Design code should be well and correctly written for better outcomes of testing. If there is some mistake or wrong build-in code, then it might have an impact on testing outcomes.
  4. Defect caused due to Testing:
    1. Humans tend to make mistakes, therefore it’s not a big deal. But effort should be made to focus on each and everything. While performing testing also, testers need to focus on each and everything for identification of problems or defects if present. If testers are not focused, then there might be some problems that will remain unnoticed and cause greater damage to the system.
    2. Failure in executing a test that is planned is also a major cause of defect.
  5. Incorrect or Incomplete Defect Reports:
    One of the most common defects found in the DMP is incorrect or incomplete defect reports. This occurs when a tester or developer fails to provide all the necessary information for a defect, such as steps to reproduce, expected results, and actual results. This can significantly slow down the resolution process and result in miscommunications between team members.
  6. Duplicate Defects:
    Duplicate defects are another common type of defect found in the DMP. This occurs when multiple testers or developers report the same defect, resulting in redundant work and wasted time. Duplicate defects can be prevented by encouraging team members to search the defect repository before submitting a new report.
  7. Inconsistent Defect Severity and Priority:
    Defect severity and priority are essential components of the DMP that help identify the severity of a defect and its impact on end users. Inconsistent severity and priority can lead to incorrect prioritization of defects, resulting in important defects being overlooked or low-impact defects being addressed first.
  8. Defect Leakage:
    Defect leakage occurs when a defect is not properly resolved and makes its way into production, causing issues for end-users. This can occur when a defect is marked as “fixed” but is not properly tested or when a defect is not addressed in a timely manner.
  9. Lack of Communication and Collaboration:
    Effective communication and collaboration are critical components of a successful DMP. A lack of communication and collaboration can result in delays in defect resolution, missed deadlines, and an overall decrease in the quality of the product.
  10. Insufficient Testing:
    Insufficient testing is a defect that can have a significant impact on the DMP. This occurs when a defect is not identified during testing and is only discovered after the product has been released. Insufficient testing can be prevented by conducting thorough testing and incorporating user feedback into the testing process.