Partial Dependency in DBMS

Database Management Systems (DBMS) design and optimize their databases for working, expecting partial dependency. It is something like a functional or strong dependency that makes it possible to show a constrained relationship between two or more attributes in a table. In this essay, we will discuss partial reliances, how to overcome them, and how to eliminate them while creating database models.

Key Terms

  • Database: Let’s imagine a compact library with books on various classics. A database is just like a file drawer with files electronically stored with structured data about a certain subject in a computer course, like students, courses, or inventory. It facilitates such filtering, sorting, and analysis processes.
  • Functional Dependency: Functional dependency expresses the relationship between two attributes (fields) in the database table; in this case, the value of one attribute (key) by itself unambiguously determines the value of the second attribute (field). Hence, if it permits the establishment of the value of one characteristic and the other characteristic value without ambiguities, the first characteristic depends on the second. It is named a function for the X->Y relation, where X predicts Y.
  • Attribute: Replace them with the word qualities. In ereact, attributes can be thought of as separate properties of the objects (entities) we keep the data. In my example, under the “student” entity, the attributes could include student name, identification number, or date of birth.
  • Prime Attribute: The most important feature is the feature that forms a candidate key or a single key in a database table, while referential integrity ensures that each field in the database has a real-life counterpart so that each record can be referenced back to the entity from which it was drawn. The notion of partial dependence is that prime attributes that appear in the primary key are usually their primary attributes. These characteristics are consequently the most important factors that a record in a table can hold for its identification.
  • Non-Prime Attribute: Non-prime attributes don’t belong to a key candidate or primary key in a database table. To keep all the distinctive character traits of the primary key or other key attributes, their substitute functionality. In cases of partial dependency, it is necessary to determine non-prime attributes that are partially dependent on the primary key, among others.
  • Relation (Table): The example of the library is represented by a bookshelf holding books on a specific topic in terms of a relation or table in a databagase. The relational model offers the visible ‘tabular’ technique. This design converts the entities and attributes into rows (tuples) and columns respectively. Each line exemplifies an independent tuple for the entity like student and each attribute or status is represented by a different column.
  • Candidate Key: Let it be like a university library book with its very own unique identification barcode. A primary key in a database can be understood as the smallest set of attributes, which is capable of distinguishing all records in a table from another. In a single table, candidate keys may be diverse or numerous. Here’s the key point: knowing from all facts the attributes in a candidate key you can recognize a particular title ( a row) of a table with no doubt.
  • Primary Key: Think that books become quickly accomplishable for a person- they just need to check the barcode which specifically indicates books location in the library. The primary key identifies a table and as a part of it, the candidate key aids in the selection process of the primary key for a specified table. A database table holds the only primary key, which is utilized to enforce data integrity that is handled by the fact that no two records can get identical values determined by the primary key.

What is Partial Dependency?

Partial dependency in a relational database occurs when a non-prime attribute (i.e., not part of any candidate key) is functionally dependent on only a part of the primary key, rather than the entire primary key.









Mr. Smith




Ms. Johnson




Mr. Smith




Mr. Brown


  • Candidate Key: {Student_ID, Course_ID}
  • Non-Prime Attribute: Course_Name
  • Partial Dependency: Course_Name → Student_ID (since Course_Name depends on part of the primary key, which is Student_ID)

For normalizing this table and remove partial dependency, we will split it into two tables:

1. Student_Course:






Mr. Smith



Ms. Johnson



Mr. Smith



Mr. Brown

2. Course:









How is Partial Dependency Identified?

In this case, we can state that the partial dependency can be observed if we run the test of functional dependencies between attributes of a table. Functional dependencies describe how one or several attributes depend on another attribute, which could be in the same table or in another table. The object is the attribute; the attribute is partially dependent based on only part of the primary key.

For example, if in the “Orders” table there are relation sets where OrderID and ProductID determine CustomerID, then CustomerID is the value that affects the primary key. On the other hand, if there is total dependency of CustomerID on OrderID as the only primary key, in this circumstance, CustomerID is then only partially dependent on the primary key.

While one way to notice partial dependency is by scanning the entries of a table for similar data, it can be challenging when they are not displayed in a clear way. To spot the condition of excessive replication of data, one will probably need to see the similarity of the data in a table. In the case of data that is repeated, that may lead to inconsistency and disparity, which can be pronounced due to the unclear data.

How to Minimize Partial Dependency?

Preventing this kind of shallow bias can be accomplished by integrating a non-linear function, a multi-layer perceptron, or regularization techniques.

The normalization of tables contains the secret to eliminating the likely dependency among attribute elements. Normalization is a procedure that focuses on correcting a database with the aim of bringing redundancy to an end and ensuring that data is consistent. There are different thresholds of standardization, and they come with their own decorum of acceptance.

The initial level of normalization named entity SK coming in 1NF needs to be kept in the table; all attributes must have atomic values. That is, each attribute will not have multiple values. This way, we cut off repetitive data and allow for partial independence.

The next level is known as the Second Normal Form (2NF), which requires that each non-key attribute be a pure of the primary key. This will lead to the situation whereby an attribute can be either partially or fully based on the primary key, and therefore, it should be separated by its own primary key to a different table. This feature makes it very possible to enable the entire network to run independently while maintaining a consistent database.

The third level is called “thrid normal form (3NF),” which means every non-key attribute must be independent of other non-key attributes. This implies that if a characteristic is relevant for other non-key attributes in the same table, it must be moved to a separate table. Through this, you don’t have any transitive dependencies, and you can ensure that the data is normalized to a great extent.

Above the 3rd normal form, there is normalization on higher levels, such as the 4th normal form (4NF) or the 5th normal form (5NF). Nonetheless, these forms are rarely used in practice.

Example to Minimize Partial Dependency

Original Table (CourseEnrollment):








Introduction to Computer Science

Dr. Lee

Computer Science



Calculus II

Dr. Miller




World History

Dr. Khan





Prof. Jackson




Data Structures

Dr. Lee

Computer Science

Here the department is partially dependent on the instructor. While an instructor typically teaches courses in his or her own department, an instructor may also teach courses from other departments. This creates a partial dependency. Normalization To reduce partial dependency,

we can decompose the table into two separate tables:

  • CourseEnrollment (StudentID, CourseID, CourseName, Instructor): This table holds information about student enrollments in courses. .
  • InstructorDepartment (Instructor, Department): This table associates instructors with their primary department.

Course Enrollment:







Introduction to Computer Science

Dr. Lee



Calculus II

Dr. Miller



World History

Dr. Khan




Prof. Jackson



Data Structures

Dr. Lee




Dr. Lee

Computer Science

Dr. Miller


Dr. Khan


Prof. Jackson


Dr. Lee

Computer Science


The partial dependent value is one of the many problems experienced in the design of a database, of which data inconsistency, data anomalies, and poor performance are common. Frequently, it takes place when the non-key column only partially depends on the primary key. Functions of dependency can be determined by examining the function dependencies between all attributes of a table, and they can be reduced by normalizing the tables to delete excess content and preserve data consistency. Normalization is indeed a key idea that affects database management systems’s structure optimization as well as providing the database with better performance.

Frequently Asked Questions on Partial Dependency – FAQs

What is the difference between partial and transitive dependency?

A partial dependence is caused by one non-prime attribute whose functionality comes from the functions of only one part of the composite key of the prime attribute.In turn, a transitive dependency is derived from a non-prime attribute that is dependent on the expression of a function of another non-prime attribute.

How can partial dependency affect database design?

Data is prone to being partially dependent on each other; therefore, it can result in different circumstances of data duplication and anomalies that are a big challenge to database integrity and consistency. Normalization, as one of the ways to remove anomalies, is vitally important. The key to a properly designed database will be to remove partial dependencies through normalization.

Can you provide an example of partial dependency in real-world scenarios?

In the university databases, a table “Student_Course” is to be created with the attributes (Student_ID, Course_ID, Instructor_Name). Here, the course instructor has its functional dependency placed only with course_id and not student_id; this depicts partial dependency.

Is partial dependency always undesirable?

The dependency of a single component is most often undesirable as exposure to inconsistencies and data anomalies increases. But, on the other hand, there will be some circumstances where it is justifiable, but only when some specific conditions or limitations are involved.

How can we eliminate partial dependency?

The normalization process can deal with partial dependency either with the help of a decomposition or description of the Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF). This can be done through summation and restructuring, which are based on functional dependency, in order to get the partial dependency resolved.