Pickrr Technologies Interview Experience for SDE-1 (Backend Developer)

PICKRR TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. visited my campus to hire for the role of Software Development Engineer I.

I knew Pickrr Technologies is a fast-growing tech-based startup that works to provide intelligent products to help businesses manage their supply chain, by working in all domains, such as handling Logistics, OMS, Warehousing. They work primarily on tech-stack of Python+Django+MySQL+MongoDB+AWS-services(Backend). I immediately applied for the profile and happily, I was selected.

There were 3 rounds in total, with a focus primarily on problem-solving ability, and knowledge of basics of computer science like Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Databases, Puzzles, etc.

ROUND 1(Online Assessment/ Technical Interview): Topics – Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Databases, Object-Oriented Programming

Questions – Easy to moderately difficult questions on arrays, linked-lists, and stack, SQL queries (basic, nested, correlated), Scheduling Algorithms, 4 Basic Concepts of OOPS, Discussion on the projects that I had done

Duration – 45-60 mins.

ROUND-2(Technical Interview): Topics – Python, REST Architecture, Puzzles, Data Structures, Algorithms, Time Complexity, Internship Learnings, Projects’ Details

Questions –

  • Basic questions about python, its data-types and various use cases where interviewer asked me to suggest which datatype would be more suitable to use.
  • Then we discussed the internal implementation of few data types like dictionary(hash-maps), etc.
  • Next, the interviewer asked a variety of puzzles, ranging from easy to medium to hard difficulty levels.
  • Then, I was asked DSA questions on topics Recursion, Backtracking, then asked me to optimise the solution using Dynamic Programming, and then I was asked a question based that utilised knowledge of both Graphs and Dynamic Programming

Duration – 90-120 mins.

ROUND-3(HR & Manager Round): This round was special round for shortlisted candidates. We had interaction with the Engineering Managers, and the CTO of the company.

Areas for Discussion – Tech stack, Vision of the company, how do my goals align with that of Pickrr, What skills/experiences I posses that will help me add value to Pickrr’s growth.

Duration – 30-45 mins.