Pickrr Technologies Private Limited for SDE-1 Backend Engineer

Round-1(Technical Interview): Firstly Interviewer asked me two puzzles, one was related with water jug problem(https://www.w3wiki.net/two-water-jug-puzzle/) and other was cake cutting problem ( https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-3-cuts-cut-round-cake-8-equal-pieces/ ).

  • He then asked me DSA question to search-insert-position-of-k-in-a-sorted-array( https://www.w3wiki.net/search-insert-position-of-k-in-a-sorted-array/ ). I solved it in linear time complexity.
  • Then he asked me to solve same problem using binary search, I was able to solve it.
  • Few questions related with REST APIs.
  • He asked me about my college project. They were looking for Django profile and my project was also on the same. So he asked few questions about my project.
  • Interviewer was impressed from my answers and after 2-3 days I got mail for the second round.

Result: I cleared this round.

Round-2(Technical Interview):

  • Interviewer gave me a DSA question to reverse a linkedList into k groups. It is a LeetCode hard question(https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group/). I was able to solve only partially.
  • Then he asked me about OOPS concepts in detail.
  • I was only able to solve DSA question partially and it took me around 45 min to solve it partially. After 4-5 days I got mail for the next round and I was quite happy and bit nervous for the next round.

Result: Cleared this round.

Round-3(Technical Interview):

  1. Discussion about my project.
  2. BFS and DFS (theoretical questions)
  3. Top down and bottom up approach.
  4. 1-2 SQL questions.
  5. One DSA question to implement queue using stack.
  6. Some questions on OOPS.

Result: cleared this round too.

Round-4(CTO Round):

  1. It was a kind of discussion-type round.
  2. CTO was very cool. I came to know that he is also the co-founder of company.
  3. Asked me to introduce myself.
  4. Why should we hire you?
  5. Discussion about the tech stacks and vision of company.
  6. Salary Discussion etc.
  7. It was a great round too, CTO looked so motivated about the goals of company.

Result: Got offer letter from HR the very next day and accepted it too.