Postman vs. Rest Assured for API Testing

API testing is an essential aspect of modern software development, ensuring that the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) function as expected and deliver accurate responses to various requests. To conduct effective API testing, developers and testers often rely on specialized tools like Postman and Rest Assured. In this article, we will delve into the concept of API testing using these tools, explore their features, and highlight their differences to help you make an informed choice based on your testing needs.

What is Postman?

Postman is a widely used API testing tool that offers a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for creating, managing, and executing API tests. It provides a comprehensive set of functionalities that make testing APIs more efficient and effective.

Features of Postman

  1. Environment and Variables: Postman provides the ability to define environments and variables. Environments allow testers to switch between different configurations for testing various environments, such as development, staging, or production. Variables can be used to store dynamic values and reuse them across multiple requests, simplifying test case maintenance.
  2. Workspaces and Collaboration: Postman offers workspaces, which serve as shared environments where teams can collaborate on API testing projects. Within workspaces, testers can share collections, manage access rights for team members, and work together seamlessly.
  3. Mock Servers: Postman enables the creation of mock servers. A mock server allows testers to simulate API responses without connecting to the actual backend. This functionality is particularly useful when developing and testing frontend applications that depend on APIs that are still under development.
  4. API Documentation: Postman also facilitates the generation of comprehensive API documentation. By documenting API endpoints, request methods, expected parameters, and sample responses, developers can ensure better understanding and utilization of their APIs by other team members or third-party developers.

Steps for API Testing with Postman

Step 1: Install Postman: Begin by downloading and installing Postman on your local machine or opt for the web version if preferred.

Step 2: Create a New Request: After launching Postman, start by creating a new API request. Enter the request URL, select the appropriate request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), and include any required headers or parameters.

Step 3: Send the Request: Once the request details are filled in, click the “Send” button to send the API request to the server. Postman will initiate the request and display the server’s response, including the status code, headers, and the response body.

Step 4: Test Assertions: Postman allows users to add assertions to their requests. These assertions define specific criteria that the response data must meet. When the API is tested, Postman automatically checks the response against the defined assertions to ensure that the API behaves as expected.

Step 5: Test Collections and Automation: To organize related API requests, users can group them into collections. These collections can then be run in sequences, allowing for more extensive and systematic testing. Additionally, Postman offers powerful automation capabilities, enabling users to integrate API tests into their Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for automated testing.

What is Rest Assured?

Rest Assured is a Java-based library specifically designed for API testing. It offers a domain-specific language (DSL) for testing RESTful APIs and integrates seamlessly with Java projects.

Features of Rest Assured

  1. Flexibility and Control: One of Rest Assured’s key strengths lies in the level of flexibility and control it provides to testers and developers. As Rest Assured tests are written using Java code, it allows users to exercise precise control over test flows, enabling them to handle complex scenarios and customize test logic as needed.
  2. Integration with IDEs: Rest Assured seamlessly integrates with popular Java IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ. This allows developers to write, manage, and execute API tests directly from their development environments, making it easier to integrate API testing into the overall development workflow.
  3. Being a Java-based library, Rest Assured can leverage the vast ecosystem of Java libraries and frameworks. This makes it easier to integrate Rest Assured with other tools and technologies, further enhancing the testing capabilities.
  4. Automation and CI/CD: Rest Assured tests can be easily automated and integrated into the CI/CD pipeline. By incorporating API testing into the automated testing process, teams can achieve faster feedback and ensure continuous testing for enhanced software quality.

Steps for API Testing with Rest Assured

Step 1: Set Up Rest Assured: Begin by including the Rest Assured library in your Java project. This can be done using build tools like Maven or Gradle, making it easy to manage dependencies.

Step 2: Write Test Cases: Utilizing Rest Assured’s DSL, testers can write expressive and readable test cases that send HTTP requests, validate responses, and perform assertions on various aspects of the API response.

Step 3: Execute Tests: With the test cases in place, run them using popular testing frameworks like JUnit or TestNG. These frameworks provide the necessary infrastructure to execute and manage the tests efficiently.

Postman vs Rest Assured



Rest Assured

User Interface

GUI-based, user-friendly

Java-based, programmatic control

Ease of Use

Intuitive and easy to learn

Requires Java expertise


Supports automation capabilities

Strong automation integration with CI/CD


Offers workspace for collaboration

No built-in collaboration features


Allows API documentation

Lacks dedicated documentation generation


Less control over test flows

Offers high flexibility and customization


No direct integration with IDEs

Seamless integration with Java IDEs


Requires Postman software

Integrates easily with Java projects


Both Postman and Rest Assured are powerful tools for API testing, catering to different user preferences and requirements. Postman’s user-friendly GUI and extensive features make it a popular choice for testers who prefer a more visual and intuitive testing experience. On the other hand, Rest Assured’s Java-based approach offers greater control and flexibility, making it a preferred choice for developers and testers who are already familiar with Java and seek more programmatic control over their API tests.

Ultimately, the choice between Postman and Rest Assured depends on your team’s expertise, testing requirements, and the level of control and automation needed for your API testing processes. Regardless of the tool chosen, comprehensive API testing remains essential for delivering reliable and high-performance software applications.