Software Testing – REST Client Testing Using Restito Tool

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a current method of allowing two software systems to communicate. REST Client is one of these systems, whereas REST Server is another. It’s a design technique that uses a stateless communication protocol like HTTP. It uses XML, YAML, and other machine-readable forms to organize and arrange data. However, JSON is the most commonly used format. The object-oriented programming model underpins REST.

Unlike SOAP, which is function-driven, REST is data-driven. RESTful APIs or RESTful web services are other names for REST. REST service descriptions do not follow a common format. WADL files can be used to import REST services into SOAPUI. OpenAPI, Swagger, and RMAL formats are all supported by ReadyAPI. POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE is the most common REST HTTP requests.

  • POST adds new data to the database.
  • GET reads or retrieves stuff that already exists.
  • PUT is a method of updating existing data.
  • DELETE Delete any existing information.

REST is more flexible than SOAP, and it’s also a lot easier to use.

REST has a number of advantages over SOAP

  • REST uses standards like Swagger and OpenAPI Specification 3.0, which are straightforward and easy to grasp.
  • The learning curve for REST is shorter.
  • Compared to SOAP, which utilizes XML for all messages, it is more efficient since it employs smaller message formats (such as JSON).
  • It is less time-consuming and does not necessitate substantial processing.

REST Client and REST Server

A REST client is a method or tool for invoking a REST service API that allows any system or service provider to communicate with it. For example, if an API is required to obtain real-time traffic data for a route from Google, the program that invokes the Google traffic API is referred to be a REST Client.

REST Server is a technique or API that allows a system to communicate with another system or service provider. For example, Google provides an API that allows users to obtain real-time traffic data for a certain route. Google’s server must be up and running in order to respond to API requests from various clients.


Consider a vehicle-booking app like Uber, which requires real-time traffic information for the routes the vehicle is traveling.

Rest Client: The client is the Uber application in which the driver is currently logged in. It makes queries to Google Maps’ REST API in order to obtain real-time data, such as an HTTP GET request.

REST Server: The service provider is Google. The Google Maps API responds to an Uber app’s request with the necessary information. It’s worth noting that with REST communication, both the client and the server are equally important.


Mkotsur created Restito, which is an app or a framework. This small application aids in the execution of HTTP requests of various types. It can also be used to test REST APIs and to look for issues in the application or network. This utility is based on Mockito and has functionality that is diametrically opposed to Rest Assured.

Karate DSL is a tool for evaluating API automation, performance, and load. It is written in Java and executes HTTP connections using Apache HTTP. DSL has its own scripting language, DSL (Domain Specific Language), which is simple to use and can be utilized by persons who have never coded before. It comes with a pre-defined collection of scripting commands for common operations when working with APIs. DSL is available at Restito. − To mimic the behavior of a REST Server. To keep track of HTTP requests made to the server. Calls were made to confirm what had happened.

DSL is available at Restito:

  • To mimic the behavior of a REST Server.
  • To keep track of HTTP requests made to the server.
  • Calls were made to confirm what had happened.

Restito is a tool that aids in the testing of applications that make HTTP requests. It creates a StubServer object that can reply to calls made by an app using Stubs that have been defined. When a condition is requested, a stub allows an action to react.

Restito is used to test REST clients:

The following are the four main steps in the REST Client testing process:

  • To submit a GET request to the server endpoint, create an HTTP Client and a method.
  • Start a Restito server and log the requests sent to the “getevents” API.
  • Create a test class to put the client you made in step 1 to the test. To initiate a GET request to the “getevents” resource, use the HTTP Client’s “sendGETRequest” method.
  • Using the Restito framework, authenticate the HTTP GET call.

Benefits of Using Restito to Test REST Clients:

  • It is not necessary to create a real REST server in order to test the REST Client.
  • It provides a wide range of services and methods for simulating server behavior. For instance, to see how the REST Client reacts when the server answers with a 404 or 503 error.
  • Restito servers can be set up in milliseconds and shut down once all of the tests have been completed.
  • All HTTP method contents, such as compressed, non-compressed, unified, and so on, are supported.

Restito has a number of drawbacks when it comes to REST client testing:

  • REST Client sources must be modified to take “localhost” as a server computer into account.
  • If a regularly utilized port is used, such as 8080 or 9443. It’s possible that starting a server in a port will cause a dispute.
  • Many advocates of Restito REST Client testing recommend utilizing ports like 9092 or 9099, although these aren’t widely used by other tools.


  • REST (Representational State Transfer) is a current method of allowing two software systems to communicate.
  • REST Client is a tool/technique that allows any system or service provider to communicate with a REST API.
  • Any system or service provider can communicate with the RestServer API.
  • Restito is a framework and lightweight program that aids in the execution of HTTP requests of any form.
  • We don’t require a real REST server to create test cases for the REST Client.
  • Only the REST Client as described in this article as an example of automation testing.